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Re: Filling Out Surveys

Wed, Jan 27 2016 10:46 PM (3 replies)
  • DynastyGolf0
    44 Posts
    Sat, Nov 14 2015 12:10 AM

    1. Plenty of times when I'm filling out surveys, the advertised time of the survey changes.

    For example, a survey might be listed as 90 credits for 10 minutes. But after you click the link, it sends you to a 20 minute survey.

    There should be a quick way to report such time inconsistencies. The survey people get away with it because people will still do the survey if the time changes, as they already clicked.

    2. Also, other times when I'm filling out surveys, I know that I've completed the entire survey (spending 10-20 minutes or so). But the last few questions are demographics questions that disqualify you, after you've completed the entire survey. So the survey people have your data but don't give you the credit.

    Most surveys have the demographics questions at the beginning and disqualify you before they waste your time. There should be a quick way to report that a survey made you fill out the entire thing but disqualified you at the very end.

  • cardioverter
    7 Posts
    Sun, Jan 17 2016 3:02 PM

    spot on. some of the survey sites are serial offenders and should be booted, but they pay real $ so that will never happen.  if they collect any demographic information there should be a minimum 100 credit payment.

  • NRencich
    44 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2016 3:24 PM

    A peeve of mine is that you answer some questions, then it comes back and says the survey takes 15 minutes, you then answer questions for 15 minutes, and comes back and says you are disqualified after wasting the 15 minutes of time...  

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2016 10:46 PM

    There should be a quick way to report such time inconsistencies.
    There should be a quick way to report that a survey made you fill out the entire thing but disqualified you at the very end.
    Find the "Report" link to the survey companies. Be sure that this is a road to nowhere.

    There's only one way to escape the feeling of getting scammed: Stop it!

    IMHO, any labour honours our time better than this.