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Re: Tournament Scores

rated by 0 users
Thu, Nov 19 2015 8:58 PM (3 replies)
  • Xgrunt74
    3 Posts
    Wed, Nov 18 2015 9:26 PM

    I am really puzzled. I have a friend that is just starting out on WGT. He is a hack. He wants to try and play in a tournament. How can he EVEN win anything at all when players with from Level 60 something to Level 90 something are winning. I thought this was supposed to be a kind of some what even play field as in the tournaments. How can these players with such a high player level be playing in a HACK tournament. Hell some of them are at a higher level than I am. Can some one please explain this to me ??

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Thu, Nov 19 2015 9:22 AM

    Tell your friend his best bet is to join a decent country club, only play with friends and play in country club tournaments only.

    Most, if not all, lower tiers of WGT tournaments are being won by sandbaggers and multi-accounters. Sandbaggers intentionally avoid posting any score that might tier them up until they have access to top equipment and are ready to "go for it". Multi-accounters are high quality players who then start a new profile so they can take advantage of legitimate players at lower tiers (like your friend) either by winning tournaments or in head to head play.

    WGT has a financial incentive to allow the these players to do this despite T&C and the occasional action against them to the contrary. Actually stopping those practices is somewhat difficult and those players burn through a lot of $$ worth of credits in balls and equipment achieving their goals.

  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Thu, Nov 19 2015 5:43 PM


    Tell your friend his best bet is to join a decent country club, only play with friends and play in country club tournaments only.

    Most, if not all, lower tiers of WGT tournaments are being won by sandbaggers and multi-accounters. Sandbaggers intentionally avoid posting any score that might tier them up until they have access to top equipment and are ready to "go for it". Multi-accounters are high quality players who then start a new profile so they can take advantage of legitimate players at lower tiers (like your friend) either by winning tournaments or in head to head play.

    WGT has a financial incentive to allow the these players to do this despite T&C and the occasional action against them to the contrary. Actually stopping those practices is somewhat difficult and those players burn through a lot of $ worth of credits in balls and equipment achieving their goals.

    Hi srellim234,

    Just to chime in and give my 2 cents, I cant think of any incentive for WGT to allow multi accouter/sandbagger, financial or otherwise. From my experience, most players found sandbagging do not make purchases in game and only use the credits given in game.  Its an unfair practice to our players and we don't condone this kind of activity. We do have systems in place to track down these players but do to the volume of our player base, it is inevitable that some of these players can slip through. If you believe a player is multi accounting, please report them to customer service with any information you have and they will be sure to look into it. 

    All the Best,

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Thu, Nov 19 2015 8:58 PM

    WGTShamWow - WGT collects the money whether it is directly from a sandbagger or not. The people they fleece are the ones putting the money into the game, money they would not be putting in if they were actually winning those tourneys and matches instead. WGT collects it one way or another and the faster the "baggers" and "multis" take it away the faster others without the experience and knowledge have to replenish their own accounts.

    By not completely addressing it WGT profits because otherwise the "cheaters" would leave and take the additional WGT revenue they generate with them.