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Re: Gas Passer Country Club!

rated by 0 users
Mon, Dec 14 2015 6:18 PM (9 replies)
  • bluto911
    170 Posts
    Sun, Dec 6 2015 5:36 PM

    Yep, it is what is says, but not meant to draw anesthesiologists. 

    In fact, it's just a catchy phrase & nothing else.

    I promise the thundering hordes that come to join this CC that you will have fun, challenges, the ability to learn from other members, and ability to create tourneys.  There will be no pressure to play daily (though we could really use your free credits to make the CC prosper).  Clashes between CC's are not really pushed - you do it on your own.

    Look, I'm pretty new at this.  I DO have excellent reflexes and am wily to the nuances of playing this game ( I was taught by a Legend).

    So...join me!  Have some fun & let's make Gas Passers  smell the others out.


    Flatulence problems not necessary for membership!


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Dec 6 2015 8:48 PM

    Something still stinks. Taught by a legend...hmmm

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Dec 6 2015 10:07 PM

    Been here 26 days and your one putts are more than your two putts and 60% sand stats. HMM!

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2015 12:20 AM

    This makes me think:

    we could really use your free credits to make the CC prosper

    How on earth does this work?

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2015 12:36 AM

    Reddevil will join you red , sorry I mean Paul. Nice to see a Legend teach you to improve your reflexes. Can he do mine as I want to play in goal for England in the Euros.

  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2015 1:14 AM

    Troll attack  

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2015 1:22 AM

    For sense of humour Bypass, he who bandies his name all over forum, used to be only regarding alt shot, but he aint fussy pfft.

  • irisheyez5
    1,753 Posts
    Tue, Dec 8 2015 2:32 PM

    I promise the thundering hordes that come to join this CC that you will have fun, challenges, the ability to learn from other members,

    I find this quote especially interesting  ,,,  learn from other members LOL  ,,,,  which ones..

    your a lvl 2 club  ...  owner (pro)   oh ya but you learned from  a legend... to be takin into consideration .... or would the teacher be your one and only member who  has  advanced to amateur only 2 days ago  hmmmm  ...

    good luck with it all.......smells a little funny though   hahaha  

  • bluto911
    170 Posts
    Mon, Dec 14 2015 5:52 PM

    C'mon, give me a break!  Just trying to starts a CC & have some fun!  why the sniping?

    Yeah, I got some lessons from a buddy that has played here for a while.  I learned the values of good clubs, balls and spin.  Is that bad?

    So I learned, and am still learning.  I am improving.   When you people improved, did you get grief?  I just don't understand what's wrong here!

    Yeah, the thundering hordes haven't yet appeared, and I attribute some of that to the sniping here.  But I have supplied numerous tourneys, all of which are easy and free.  So, tell me what I've done wrong here!  Or shut the hell up!

    I wanted this to be fun.  I wanted this to be special.  Someone please tell me why you people are attacking me?!

  • bluto911
    170 Posts
    Mon, Dec 14 2015 6:18 PM

    Hey!  Who did you learn from? Huh?

    A CC has to start somewhere.  Yeah, we may overstate what we wish for - it's called marketing!  Show me ONE CC that has not started and struggled for a period of time.  There's a lot of competition.

    Yes, I learned from a Legend.  Who did you learn from?  Guess I was luckier, or your teacher was not very good.

    Our only current member is someone who is also learning and plays regularly.  Your insinuation that he is my mentor is not only false, but stupid!  Have facts before you make charges!  I'll tell you what smells - you!  Now get off my case.  Find a life!

    And, for the rest of the snipers out there get this...I have a CC and it's not going away!  Your problems are your problems.  We're here to play and have fun.  OK?
