I joined this CC a couple of days ago and wow there biggest concern is making sure we are all happy, that's when they slip the dagger into your back, like most other big CC and ask you to use your pass every day if you can....
There looking to make level 4 so they can give us all shot pal BUT no CC's on here are all about the ppl in there club, I new there was something suss when they said don't bother with the CC clash it's just a fundraising deal for WGT and yet ppl entered, I asked the ppl that entered WHY would you do that " cos we are apart of this CC and we want to show it " and this is what was said in the forum ( We finished in 95th place, a club at only level 3 which is a remarkable achievement )
This is a CC where you can make good friends and have more than just a game of golf...