nomTAJ:WHY don't you WGT Trolls ( read morons ) actually give some useful advice??
Why didn't you ask for advice then?
Paul, I don't mean to highlight which one of the "trolls" is the most "moronic", but apparently, on the planet the OP originates from, "I'm on the verge of quitting wgt for good"...followed by a rant and blaming wgt, is their way of politely asking for seems question marks are also optional, when asking for said advice, as well as the use of manners. Oh well, I'm off to troll another thread, in my typical moronic fashion.
ps...OP, you may want to read what Scott just stated in his post, he's usually correct. And, of course, there is always the "contact us" option located at the bottom of the page. That will take you to customer service...they love to read requests for advice, brilliantly disguised as threats about quitting, and rants about their site.:)