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Re: Country Club Clash Event 17

Fri, Aug 19 2016 9:58 PM (65 replies)
  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, Feb 13 2016 10:31 PM

    one of my teamates will receive a nice new putter.

    Hope it's a change to his advantage - the reports about it aren't too positive.

    Also everyone in our club participating woke up with 5 club pass.

    Any advantage from this "gift"?

  • dancingdennis
    1,343 Posts
    Tue, Feb 16 2016 7:34 AM

    Well the putter does take some time getting used to still learning. But I am an average golfer and play solely by I-phone which is more enjoyable for me. The point I tried to make when you here so much negativity regarding the clash ( normally the same people) is that it does not have to be costly to play but you need a lot of teamates playing, this is a competition and we will never win them all but more CC's are competing especially when it's a weekend clash. Our club likes competing in it you can't ask anymore from them other than to show up. But most of my teamates who use the putter are proud using it.could the prizes be better especially since they are virtual, could WGT give a sleeve of balls to every play that participated yes. I have not seen any changes to the clash because of the negativity in these post in fact the opposite we are having more clashes now than ever. M

  • joecote253
    204 Posts
    Fri, Aug 19 2016 4:23 PM

    I've a general question on Clash. Can't seem  to find a place for that, so pardon me for tagging on the end of this one.

    Our little Club, Beaver Falls, loves to play in the Clash. We're just 47 members, but we take on bigger teams with a vengeance. We win a lot of them.

    This current Clash, we played against Calm Waters. A big Club with 3 times our membership. It was a close game, but we pulled it out, 2592/2043.

    Two clashes later, we are up against them AGAIN. This time, they brought in their big gun. A level 100, CHAMPION player. He scored nearly 1000 [points on his own. There was no way that little club would beat them twice. We lost, 1867/2524.

    How is this a fair pairing. AND, with all the other Clubs that are out there, how do we get paired against the same HUGE Club, with much higher level players than we have, TWICE. Beating them once was hard enough. But, to be paired against them again for the sake of REVENGE???? You guys really screwed us and you owe our dejected troop of Beavers an explanation. i'D APPRECIATE A RESPONSE.

    J. Cote`, Director,

    Beaver Falls CC

  • TopShelf2010
    10,967 Posts
    Fri, Aug 19 2016 4:44 PM


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Aug 19 2016 9:15 PM

    There was no way that little club would beat them twice. We lost, 1867/2524.

    How should WGT know that (and how should the automatic selection take care of that?)?

    Your win made you a stronger CC in the system, thus the selection paired you against a weaker CC to your advantage! You also had the chance to prove that by scoring 2592 again for a second win!

    You might as well present one or more players using Speed Boost and multiple passes to buy more points. Fortunately, you didn't, for it's not the win to push you but the no. of points. I had the pleasure to see The Georgian score 10,000+ points against my CC - 600 for the win are peanuts in comparison!

    Having that in mind, how were you "screwed"? Which chance was "stolen" from you? It doesn't matter if you end as 2nd or 4444th, there's nothing to win of any value. And, even the Golden Calf is disputable...

  • twinponds169
    3,051 Posts
    Fri, Aug 19 2016 9:58 PM

    Imagine if the first match you played, all our North Americans were not working and all our Aussies were not sleeping. Then you would be TWICE as aggravated, lol.

    Very nice job by your club though, well done.

    The clash is really just for gits and shiggles, if you take it seriously you will not enjoy it much. It's really just for fun and a change of pace around our club. Otherwise it's worthless.

    Happy Hitting
