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Re: Looking for a top 5 CC Home

Wed, Feb 17 2016 12:17 AM (5 replies)
  • civman
    777 Posts
    Mon, Feb 15 2016 5:49 PM

    I have legend status, will be moving to tour legend in the near future.  I play everyday and do participate in the clashes.  I like to create tournaments and have fun with the membership.  I am only interested membership in the top 5 Country Clubs.  Thanks and have a great day :-)

  • liam91
    3,130 Posts
    Tue, Feb 16 2016 11:43 AM

    what makes a  CC be in the top 5?

    just wondering because different people would give you different ideals of what makes a top CC


  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Tue, Feb 16 2016 12:21 PM


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Feb 16 2016 11:46 PM

    I like to [...] have fun with the membership.  I am only interested membership in the top 5 Country Clubs.

    You should leave your current CC to show the honesty of your request, and define which kind of "Top" you have in mind. There are five CC leaderboards provided by the site, but, obviously, there's no official ranking in "fun".

    How does any CC qualify to your legitimate demands?

  • SamanthaWho
    3,403 Posts
    Wed, Feb 17 2016 12:02 AM

    I would send you an invite, but we are probably top 300 at best.

    We have zero fun, and no one can hit a shot even close, let alone make a putt. Don't even get me started on how boring our forum is.

    Good luck in your search. You seem like a Champion in the making.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Feb 17 2016 12:17 AM


    I would send you an invite, but we are probably top 300 at best.

    We have zero fun, and no one can hit a shot even close, let alone make a putt. Don't even get me started on how boring our forum is.

    Good luck in your search. You seem like a Champion in the making.


    LOL...that was good!

    For the OP. try The Georgian......they are the #1 Club based on Clashes - simply awesome with outlandish mad skills to win the clashes regularly.

    You may have to buy 100 passes when a clash is on and finish each game in 10 minutes to qualify, only a minor price to pay for the prestige.