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Re: Disconnection Penalties?

rated by 0 users
Tue, Apr 26 2016 8:30 AM (5 replies)
  • RDunseith
    6 Posts
    Fri, Apr 22 2016 8:05 AM

    I am amazed at how often people just disconnect from a game in progress when they're suddenly having a bad hole, or when another player is on a hot streak, and they've decided they're unlikely to win the match, so they just bail. I had someone do this on the last hole of a 9-hole match play game, where I had one putt left; they knew then they couldn't win, so they just disconnected. I've had it happen on the first hole of a 3-hole match when I might par or birdie, and they bogie or double, and poof!, they're gone.And at all points in between. It really does happen a lot.

    The problem is, they usually don't officially forfeit, they just disconnect the session, without so much as a chat message to say they're leaving. And then it takes the game a while to decide that they've disconnected and left. That leaves the other player / rest of the players sitting there, waiting, for an unnecessarily long time, and possibly without a round to finish.

    Heck, you committed to 3 holes, or 9 holes, or whatever. Can't you stick it out and just play out the round you've signed on for? Don't you owe that much to the other player? Yeah, at that point you're probably right, you're probably going to lose. So what? You win some, you lose some -- you don't just pick up your ball and go home in the middle of the game.

    Perhaps WGT should monitor that. Sure, sometimes a disconnect will be accidental (I once meant to close a pop-up and clicked on the wrong 'X' and accidentally disconnected from a round myself, feeling bad for having done that to the other player). Or it might be due to system issues. I get that. But if someone does it repeatedly (pick some threshold, period, frequency values upon which to base the metric) then perhaps they should be temporarily suspended, or maybe charged coins / credits, or something.

    It's just very annoying to those of us who prefer to play out the rounds we commit to or, at the very least, who send a message and forfeit officially if we have to leave mid-round.

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Fri, Apr 22 2016 9:28 AM

    This has often been requested for a long time - search the forum =>

    Don't see it coming. The commitment of gamers to their fellow players is poor, and which business would penalise their customers?

  • RDunseith
    6 Posts
    Fri, Apr 22 2016 10:56 AM

    Sorry for the repetition, I had reviewed the FAQ sticky at the top before posting and didn't see it mentioned, unless it falls under "reputation tracking", which in retrospect I guess it could.

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Fri, Apr 22 2016 12:26 PM

    Don't worry, this isn't a part of the official agenda. I was referring to the search function, but it's optional.

    Fact is, we have to live with quitters, and probably the best way to deal with them is

    Block and forget!

  • Krawolle
    2 Posts
    Sat, Apr 23 2016 11:46 AM

    I totallay agree and see this occur the majority of the time. I believe it has everything to do with rating. I was beating a pro the other day (I am an armature level) by 2 strokes and he dropped out on the last hole. I find it occurs less on 9 holes than 3 but it occurs 75% of the time when playing 3 holes. It absolutely should count against your rating after two or 3 disconnects in a row.

    If this continues, I will probably stop playing as this is not fun.



  • Huggie50
    3 Posts
    Tue, Apr 26 2016 8:30 AM

    I agree 100% I've lost count of the games where my opponent has refused to take the very last putt because he was loosing...obviously not real golfers who have a certain etiquette on the golf course which they bring to WGT,

    what is making it worse there appears to be a bug that has sprung up over the last couples of days that after waiting the endless timeouts the game just hangs and nothing happens the only way to continue is too reboot does that go down as a lost game to me? I'm not sure.
