I, like many millions of others, use the internet on almost a daily basis for a variety of purposes I use many sites that have so many hits in a day it would dwarf any thing WGT experiences. I use Facebook, on line banking, shop at Amazon, use news sites like CNN, YouTube, etc.etc. In fact YouTube and Facebook are #'s 2 and 3 in the world for daily hits being only topped by Google. For sure on occasion their may be a problem with a site or you may try to access the site and may get a message like "this site is down for maintenance " but always they return in very short order. Sometimes their are errors in their code that will cause a problem, but be assured that they will have a very quick fix. Most importantly, and I think this is key, I have never gotten blamed for their sites operation or coding errors. Never have I seen a message to the site users telling them to clear their caches, upgrade their computers, delete their browser histories and cookies.
WGT, it appears, has a different approach than the rest of the worlds internet sites for dealing with the sites own problems. I haven't yet figured out what it is, but the problems are real and long standing...." I don't think that can be argued"
So, play well all when you don't get blue screened, or timed out.