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Fri, Mar 11 2011 4:03 PM (15 replies)
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  • overpar11
    1 Posts
    Mon, Mar 7 2011 1:40 PM

    We all can make mistakes but this "lost ball" scam is an absolute Rip-Off.

    This is an electronic game for gods sake, balls should not be lost, even if you hit water. Realistic is another word for Rob the player of his hard earned cash. 


  • EonEon
    75 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 7:14 AM

    I second this notion.

    Popular Myth:

    Whatever brand and type of ball you use to begin your round, you must use that same brand and type of ball for the entire round.


    We watch too much golf on TV and think we therefore understand the Rules. The only time this myth is a fact is when the ‘one ball rule’ is in effect. That is generally only a condition during PGA Tour and other events for highly skilled golfers. It is almost never in effect for regular play. 

    Please see the last paragraph:

    Rule 15-1

    Changing golf balls during a hole or a stipulated round

    May a player change golf balls during the play of a hole or a stipulated round? When the player is permitted to substitute another golf ball may he change to a ball of a different brand or type?

    Rules 15-1 and 15-2 explain that the player must complete play of the hole with the ball with which he began the hole unless he is proceeding under a Rule that permits him to substitute a ball. The player may change balls between the play of two holes as well. 

    Rules 26-1 (Water Hazard Rule), 27-1 (Ball Lost or Out of Bounds) and 28 (Ball Unplayable) are examples of Rules that permit the player to substitute another ball. Rule 5-3 permits a player to substitute another ball during the play of a hole when his original ball has become unfit for play during the play of that hole. Other Rules (e.g. Rule 18, Rule 24, and Rule 25-1) permit the player to substitute another ball only if the original ball is not immediately recoverable. 

    Note that Rule 16-1b, the Rule that allows the player to lift his ball from the putting green, does not permit the player to substitute another ball; this precludes the player from substituting a “putting ball.” 

    A player who substitutes another ball when not permitted to do so incurs the general penalty (loss of hole in match play or a two stroke penalty in stroke play) under the applicable Rule. For instance, a player taking relief, without penalty, under Rule 25-1 due to interference from ground under repair is required to do so with the original ball (unless it is not immediately recoverable). If that player substitutes a ball (and makes a stroke with it) when his original ball is immediately recoverable he incurs the general penalty under Rule 25-1 (as it is the applicable Rule in this case). 

    When changing balls, the player is permitted to substitute a ball of another brand or type unless the Committee has adopted the One Ball Condition of Competition (see Appendix I; Part C; Section 1c). This optional condition (usually referred to as ‘The One Ball Rule’) is generally adopted only in events that are limited to professional golfers or highly-skilled amateur golfers. Generally, this condition of competition is not adopted in club-level competitions.


  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 5:54 PM

    Well played EonEon,that last paragraph says it all.. the ball's back in WGT's court now..( I hope..)

  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Wed, Mar 9 2011 6:41 AM

    We w
    atch too much golf on TV and think we therefore understand the Rules. The only time this myth is a fact is when the ‘one ball rule’ is in effect. That is generally only a condition during PGA Tour and other events for highly skilled golfers. It is almost never in effect for regular play
    It has nothing to do with how much TV we watch, but with how "the committee" decides how the game should be kept fair for all participants.

    When changing balls, the player is permitted to substitute a ball of another brand or type unless the Committee has adopted the One Ball Condition of Competition (see Appendix I; Part C; Section 1c). This optional condition (usually referred to as ‘The One Ball Rule’) is generally adopted only in events that are limited to professional golfers or highly-skilled amateur golfers. Generally, this condition of competition is not adopted in club-level competitions.
    And WGT as "the Committee" have obviously instituted this rule.  In case you missed it, there is more information here.   I suppose they could re-program to institute this rule in tournament only rounds, but my gut feeling says it would be waaaaay down on their priority list. 

    I'm just sayin'

  • EonEon
    75 Posts
    Wed, Mar 9 2011 10:31 PM

    Thank you for your input AvatarLee, appreciate it.

    I accept that WGT has instituted this rule (One Ball Condition of Competition), suppose there is not much we can do about it.

    Would be nice though if they could officially state it to give more clarity on the issue for all players and to prevent any unhappiness regarding this issue.


  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Fri, Mar 11 2011 4:03 PM


    Yes,I must virtual bag's getting like my real one,a real mess..single balls of all kinds in there cause I like to carry more than one with me when I play a match (even if the ball is the same type,if it's a different colour you can't pack it) would be great to be able to use any of the other  balls in our bags that,after all, we've already paid for.

    This, I agree with! And I propose a WGT Goodwill "Swap Your Balls Week"... during which we would be able to swap-out our "stragglers" for balls of our choice. We might choose to consolidate our different-colored ones of the same type, or... if WGT was feeling really gracious, perhaps they'd allow us to trade-in our singles (and maybe doubles - who has alot of those, too?) for a ball we've found that fits our game-style.

    Of course, WGT could institute a limit to how many balls could be swapped... I mean... we wouldn't be looking to "take advantage" of this gesture of WGT's goodwill, right? As avid players here, we've tried a bunch of different balls, and have been left with a quandry that could be eliminated by WGT doing something along these lines... and yes... even if it means being allowed to "trade-up" our old GI-Ds for some new Callaways...

    Side Note for WGT marketing dept: Maybe those trying a "better ball" would then tend to purchase more of the same...   ;)  

    Hey! Easter's coming soon... help us to do some Spring Cleaning of our overly-cluttered bags!  :]


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