Yes,I must virtual bag's getting like my real one,a real mess..single balls of all kinds in there cause I like to carry more than one with me when I play a match (even if the ball is the same type,if it's a different colour you can't pack it) would be great to be able to use any of the other balls in our bags that,after all, we've already paid for.
This, I agree with! And I propose a WGT Goodwill "Swap Your Balls Week"... during which we would be able to swap-out our "stragglers" for balls of our choice. We might choose to consolidate our different-colored ones of the same type, or... if WGT was feeling really gracious, perhaps they'd allow us to trade-in our singles (and maybe doubles - who has alot of those, too?) for a ball we've found that fits our game-style.
Of course, WGT could institute a limit to how many balls could be swapped... I mean... we wouldn't be looking to "take advantage" of this gesture of WGT's goodwill, right? As avid players here, we've tried a bunch of different balls, and have been left with a quandry that could be eliminated by WGT doing something along these lines... and yes... even if it means being allowed to "trade-up" our old GI-Ds for some new Callaways...
Side Note for WGT marketing dept: Maybe those trying a "better ball" would then tend to purchase more of the same... ;)
Hey! Easter's coming soon... help us to do some Spring Cleaning of our overly-cluttered bags! :]