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Re: Club Earnings

rated by 0 users
Thu, May 19 2016 7:26 PM (2 replies)
  • 6Declan9
    1 Posts
    Thu, May 19 2016 9:03 AM

    Hey guys, I run a small country club for some friends and me. I was just wondering what the club earnings section meant. Is there any way to collect the credits? How does it add up?


  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Thu, May 19 2016 10:24 AM


    Hey guys, I run a small country club for some friends and me. I was just wondering what the club earnings section meant. Is there any way to collect the credits? How does it add up?


    Hi 6Declan9,

    Club earnings are kind of like your career earnings on your profile page, they are a stat to show how much your clubs members have earned through playing while in the club. They aren't actual credits that can be redeemed, just a stat. :)

    All the Best,

  • twinponds169
    3,051 Posts
    Thu, May 19 2016 7:26 PM

    We had a player (for a short time lol) in our club who posted complaining that we should be using all them credits to fund tournaments and buy all the members balls and clubs. We had to explain to him that the directors blew it all on the Ferrari and the beach house.