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Re: Palm Beach Kiawah Joins Elite Group of Level 18 Clubs

Thu, May 19 2016 3:34 PM (3 replies)
  • TuckerPrestonJr
    1,380 Posts
    Thu, May 19 2016 9:09 AM

    Only 23 Country Clubs have achieved the distinction of Level 18.

    Palm Beach Kiawah is proud to join their ranks.

    Our doors are always open -- all tiers welcome.

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Thu, May 19 2016 9:34 AM

    Congratulations on that achievement. 

  • petervcpt
    1,013 Posts
    Thu, May 19 2016 10:33 AM


    Whatever your CC's goals are, I say congrats if you achieve them.

    We all have personal opinions, but I think it's great that CC's have their goals and strive to attain them.

    Well done Palm Beach Kiawah. You seem to have a lot of active members and quite a few tournaments.



  • TuckerPrestonJr
    1,380 Posts
    Thu, May 19 2016 3:34 PM

    Thank you Peter and Bubbsboy.  Here is a message I shared with my club.


    Dear Friends:


    Today Palm Beach Kiawah achieved an important goal:  Level 18.


    Only 23 Country Clubs have accomplished this rare distinction, and this is out of many thousands of country clubs.  PBK has secured elite status.


    This is a club-wide accomplishment, involving the contribution of hundreds of members.  It is not about what one person accomplished but what we, as a group, accomplished, working together.  I thank every member who use their daily CC pass.  This is so because levels are gained as members use their Country Club passes, so PBK earns experience points for the benefit of all members.  


    Not only was this accomplished by working together, but by diverse people from all over the world, from over 55 countries.   We are distinct and proud, but still blended together in a common pursuit.  Also, PBK has achieved this level without heavy-handed rules or punishment.  At PBK, we live and let live.


    Achieving level 19 could take as long as 9 month, maybe longer, maybe shorter. It will be a long climb.  In the meantime, PBK members will keep playing WGT golf, keep having fun and keep making friends.


    I am grateful to be part of PBK and to be associated with each of you.  Your support and membership means a great deal to me – more than you could ever know. I value each of you.


    Best wishes and cheers,


    Tucker Preston Jr.


    P.S. I would welcome your friendship on Facebook. Feel free to “friend” me.   My page is