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Mon, Jun 27 2016 9:20 AM (17 replies)
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  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2016 6:28 AM

    There is no way to level up more quickly Robert. Desotojo wrote a similar post a while back, got slammed, and is back for more abuse. His deficiencies in his own game is causing him to blame mobile users of having it "easy".

    I suspected as much. 

    And the thing is that once a person gets to the level where he or she can get some decent clubs, a person can score well and have some fun. That's what it should really be about anyway.

    I hear you about the scoring. Still, a 59 is a fantastic score. Back in May, I shot a 64 on Oakmont and still feel really good about that score. In fact, I played Oakmont again yesterday and wondered "how did I ever shoot a 64 on this course?" :-)  

  • desotojo
    2,513 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2016 7:01 AM

    Welcome To A P A B Country Club! All New Members Must apply to clubs web site, for Membership. Go to and register please. We require Team speak to live talk to other members when playing. NO I pad, or Cell phone players.

    This is one of many CC's that don't allow mobile, try to get into one of those larger CC's that have a list of requirements, you know the ones, 200+ members with 60% being TM or higher. 

    I stand by my statement LEGEND-PARTICIPANT TROPHY, now...

    you can buy your way up the levels with boosters, sold in the Pro Shop

    I forgot you can't fight WGT Forum Trolls, their OPINIONS are law, such a joke.  So I will now turn off the US OPEN, run over to the club and have a few beers with the gang while watching, then home to the garage, work on the '56 while watching the USO. You have a great day/life trolling the WGT Forum. YAWN, keep smooching each others.......

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2016 7:25 AM


    I stand by my statement LEGEND-PARTICIPANT TROPHY, now...

    you can buy your way up the levels with boosters, sold in the Pro Shop

    So a person can buy their way up. At best, it reduces the time to level up by a month or two. Additionally, as others have posted, a person can only use those to level up only through something like Level 74 (maybe a bit higher, I can't remember the exact number). 

    Regardless, what does the ability to level up more quickly have to do with being a Legend?  

    By the way, do you actually know what the definition of a troll is? We're not trolling. We're countering an argument you made. That's all. And that's not trolling.  

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2016 10:24 AM

    By the way, do you actually know what the definition of a troll is?

    I'm sure he has his own definition.  But anyway, it's nice to be recognized once in a while.  Thank You desotojo!.

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2016 10:56 AM

    I'm sure he has his own definition.


  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2016 3:26 PM


    I stand by my statement LEGEND-PARTICIPANT TROPHY, now...

    you can buy your way up the levels with boosters, sold in the Pro Shop

    Just figured out what you meant by participation trophy. Agreed, but it has nothing to do with playing the mobile version. It's been that way since late 2012 (new system). If you are playing daily, you basically need nothing more than reasonable reflexes and a working brain to reach legend within 6 months. If you have some talent to go with it, it's in 4. one can only buy levels, not tiers, so the highlighted part is pure BS.

    Kind of you to prove the "quote" below still stands.

    I posted a pompous, unsubstantiated statement. When people, who actually know what they're talking about, corrected it, I got annoyed, spewed some more generalised unsubstantiated crap and then closed on a statement, worthy of a 5 year old


  • borntobesting
    9,783 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2016 6:55 PM

    Some where in one of his posts he claims to have checked and saw that the persons listed had only played rounds on mobile. Well there is no way to know by checking a players Score history to know what device the rounds were played on. Even if the tournament was listed as mobile only it could have been started on mobile and saved and completed on PC.

    WGT finally listened to some of us and made it where a round started and saved on mobile could only be played on mobile.

  • desotojo
    2,513 Posts
    Mon, Jun 27 2016 9:20 AM

    Very easy when they tell you they don't have a PC, have a few in the CC that don't have access to PC's. So all there stats are on a mobile. I have two Legends, never played on a PC yet. One of our Directors admitted a new member last week, so I checked his stats while sending him a welcome. 33 rounds, level 47, how do you get better equipment??? Ah geee go up the levels. The WGT Forum is the bridge you trolls live under, good god everyone knows that....

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