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Mon, Jun 27 2016 9:20 AM (17 replies)
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  • desotojo
    2,513 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2016 8:29 AM

    Yep!!! Big ole can of worms, still!!!!!

    Just an on going complaint in the CC's, and no we will not kick mobile users out, even though we feel like it.  LEGEND use to be an award for many though rounds of golf here in the WGT, and for some a couple years to get there.  Now, one right after another I see LEGEND-LEGEND-LEGEND, all with the minimum rounds, all playing on cell phones and IPADS.  I have PC players who are jumping on their phones to buy clubs and levels to move up faster... I've been here for almost 4 years and I just got to level 100, maybe not there yet, need to look ;-) but I didn't buy levels.  I have several players who in less than 3 mo. that are level 100 or higher.....such bull s.... the WGT crapped on all of us who did it the right way, so those of us in the LEGEND tier should take pride in our PARTICIPATION TROPHY.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2016 9:13 AM

    There's a shady zone between the PC and mobile games. Most of the stats aren't shared between them. This might make it appear as if they didn't play enough.

    OTOH, I don't see any reason why the path to the top tiers should be shortened for anybody.

    All the grinding for levels and tiers, all the clubs and more so all the balls to buy are the basis of their business. Do you expect that to change?

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2016 9:37 AM

    I've been here for almost 4 years and I just got to level 100, maybe not there yet, need to look ;-) but I didn't buy levels.

    At L97 you're about 10-12 months away from 100 at your pace. 

    I have several players who in less than 3 mo. that are level 100 or higher.....such bull s....

    Name 1 single player who accomplished L100 in 3 months. after the ole par 3 glitch was removed a year or 2 ago, of course. I call bull on this statement, cause from 0 to 100 is basically impossible in 3 months. Even if one bought every level they could (and before the last update they could only be bought up to L68, I think), they would still have to earn around 23000 points per day, that's 44 18 hole tourneys (with poor scores) + the daily bonus.

    So it's obvious you're making stuff up...

    Unless you've stumbled upon a player, who's account was transferred from FB. The XP levels and tiers are transferred, but stats are not. So if one reached L100 on FB in 3 years, then transferred his account (and was given a new name by WGT), then he'd be a L100 legend (or any other tier he was on FB), but ranked rounds and stats from before would be erased.

  • desotojo
    2,513 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2016 10:39 AM

    You can transfer your account from FB to mobile, I did so when I lost my PC for a week and needed to stay in touch with the CC, same name, same level, same tier.

    Might not get to level 100 for a few years yet....I like to run down to the club have a few beers with the gang, play real sports, keep up the house and lawn, and work on the antique car. I don't live in here like some....

    I did for the hell of it check out a couple members, out of shyt and giggles. Because no matter what,  I have mobile players that will point blank tell you they score much better on a mobile phone, and can and will buy 'tokens' to move up and buy clubs faster.

    Mobile players scored rounds;

                              542 rounds, level 97

                             134 rounds, level 81

                             829 rounds, level 95

                             36 rounds!!!!!  level 85

                             179 rounds, level 86





  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2016 11:22 AM

    I have mobile players that will point blank tell you they score much better on a mobile phone, and can and will buy 'tokens' to move up and buy clubs faster.

    They can only buy levels up to L75 from this month, It was 68 or 69 before. That's (L75)less than 200.000 points. The majority still has to be gained by playing. 


    Mobile players scored rounds;

                              542 rounds, level 97

                             134 rounds, level 81

                             829 rounds, level 95

                             36 rounds!!!!!  level 85

                             179 rounds, level 86

    Take the 4th one, for instance. He could've transferred from FB (where he could've played for a year before) a month ago, already at L85 and played  a round a day. Or he could've played MP rounds for a 4 months and almost no ranked rounds to get to L85, which is really not that difficult. But there's ZERO chance of anyone levelling up to L100 within 6 months, let alone 3. Like I said, anyone at L100 and here less than a year, has played on FB before.


  • borntobesting
    9,783 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2016 12:56 PM

    I have mobile players that will point blank tell you they score much better on a mobile phone, and can and will buy 'tokens' to move up and buy clubs faster.

    If anyone and I mean anyone told you that they are lying. I play on my phone and tablet at times and it is so much harder to play well because the screens are so much smaller. So like the previous poster said it is quite obvious that you are making things up. And the coins you can buy and the coin gear is a joke compared to the clubs that we can get on the web game.. And you don't buy the coin gear you can only rent it for 7 days at a time.

    And the ranked or scored rounds don't tell the complete story about mobile users playing. Many of them play the coin games which are for the most part 3 hole matches played in practice mode and as such are not listed in  your ranked rounds played. They don't give you as many XP's per round but they can add up quickly if you play many of them.

    I play 1 solo 3 hole round every night on my phone at work during lunch. Seeing that the round is my first round of the day I get the 880 XP's for the consecutive day bonus and using my free CC pass I  get close to 1000 XP'S for the 3 hole round. if I chose to play a 3 hole coin game I which is multi player I  would get close 1o 1200 XP's.So they add up rather quickly.

  • desotojo
    2,513 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2016 1:44 PM

    Well guys, don't know the names of the contraption, but many a mobile player plugs their phone in one of those doflickings, use a mouse and watch the game on their TV through the ethernet cable. As do some of our members. But in CC 1 alone there are at least 3 Legends who did it in less than 4 mo., and 600 rounds all on mobile phones. And some refuse to play on a PC, they get PO'd when tourneys have matches they can't play......opinion are like _ _ _

    holes, everyone has one.  I do find it interesting how many CC's have banned mobile and IPAD players.  And as it was pointed out, the WGT just counts the coins going into their cash register. It's not going to change, so if I ruffled your feathers, too bad, sooooo sad.

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2016 2:07 PM

    holes, everyone has one.  I do find it interesting how many CC's have banned mobile and IPAD players. 

    How would you know that?

    I posted a pompous, unsubstantiated statement. When people, who actually know what they're talking about, corrected it, I got annoyed, spewed some more generalised unsubstantiated crap and then closed on a statement, worthy of a 5 year old

    Amen to that, brother.

    Edit: P.S.: 2 things:

    1st, what is a participation trophy? Is it a mobile thing only? Cause I've never seen it on the PC (only way I play)

    2nd, I'm not sure you know (judging from your amazement), but 150 rounds is no longer the minimum requirement to reach legend. That changed in the fall of 2012, when the new anti-bagging system was introduced. When tiers lower than legend win some credits in RGs (either top 4 or top 10, not sure), they tier up quicker. Same goes for MP wins against higher tiers, they'll tier you up just as fast. So in theory, one could become a legend without a single ranked round, only MP wins against tiers, higher than their current one.

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2016 3:17 PM

    Just an on going complaint in the CC's, and no we will not kick mobile users out, even though we feel like it.  LEGEND use to be an award for many though rounds of golf here in the WGT, and for some a couple years to get there.  Now, one right after another I see LEGEND-LEGEND-LEGEND, all with the minimum rounds, all playing on cell phones and IPADS.  I have PC players who are jumping on their phones to buy clubs and levels to move up faster.

    I play exclusively on my iPad. While I made Legend relatively quickly (it took me about 4.5 months), I'm projecting that I'll get to Level 100 in June, 2019. If there's a way to Level up more quickly, I have no idea what it is.

    And, as an aside, I don't think it's really that difficult to make it to Legend. Now making it Tour Legend and then Champion is a whole different story (if a person is going to do it legitimately and play the proper tees).  


  • Kepone18
    196 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2016 5:02 AM

    There is no way to level up more quickly Robert. Desotojo wrote a similar post a while back, got slammed, and is back for more abuse. His deficiencies in his own game is causing him to blame mobile users of having it "easy".

    I shot 59 in the  mobile US open at Oakmont and is currently lying second ( same score as the first guy) in the Legend tier. A 59 in the VUSO ( for all the players) is not even close to making the cut !!!

    We have it easy nah, not even close. He should stop with his half baked lies.



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