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Fri, Jul 1 2016 4:35 AM (3 replies)
  • NWALK45
    2 Posts
    Thu, Jun 30 2016 10:11 AM

    Every time I play there seems to be one shot that just glitches up on my back swing and puts a horrible shot as well as shots that some how fly all the way into the Out of Bounds area> Could you please mark these cause a great round was just ruined by a random out of bounds area (I Guess) that was just a few feet off the green. It was not water. Fix your ***

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Thu, Jun 30 2016 10:49 AM

    Shots on backswing auto-release after about 15 secs - you need not hit it then.

    For other reasons, there will be hardly a fix - we've been waiting too long now.

    Instead, accept it or walk away (pun intended).


    BTW: You seem to be buying too many CC passes for too little points...

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Thu, Jun 30 2016 3:06 PM


    You've been around this site for a long. long time, yet, you have only played 118 ranked rounds?

    You're still playing with "starter" equipment & wonder why you are having trouble controlling your shots?

    By the Flag, you're in the USA.  Why don't you watch videos and take surveys to earn credits to buy better equipment?

    Alosso is totally correct in advising you to quit wasting precious credits buying CC passes. They do not really help your CC, they only "line" WGT's pockets, and keep you from getting better gear!


  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Fri, Jul 1 2016 4:35 AM

    You seem to be wanting to play the game again since you have played 26 ranked rounds in the last 2 weeks. You are a tour pro using mostly starter equipment which marks you as a more than average player.  By carefully spending your credits you can upgrade your equipment. By spending a small amount of time viewing some videos you can pick up a fair amount of "free" credits. Avoid the mistake of buying expensive balls but learn to use that new equipment with the white rocks that WGT gives out freely. Like any game, to improve you must practice a lot. Make some friends and play with them. Most people here will give you advice and tips if you ask. Golf really is a social game so get involved in AS matches where there are 3 others playing. The games go quickly, you get to watch a lot of other people playing and you can chat.