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Re: Aim Marker; option to secure in "fixed lateral" position

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Fri, Jul 1 2016 1:49 PM (3 replies)
  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Thu, Jun 30 2016 8:40 PM

    It would be great to add an option to secure the box in a fixed lateral position.  How many times have you tried adjusting for the wind by making a simple left or right dragging motion with your mouse. What ends up happening?

    You're 140y shot ends up being dragged to 350y or 20y which drastically changes the depth and actual aiming point.  When you drag the pin icon on the mini map you get very unfriendly and erratic aim marker jumps.  "Pinning" the aim mark to a lateral position would make aiming so much easier.


    Cheers.  Sean.

  • jeffmatulich
    482 Posts
    Fri, Jul 1 2016 9:46 AM

    Yes that is annoying for sure.  The biggest problem I have is not only being able to keep the right yardage but being able to aim far enough left or right because of the view (in high wind/severely slopping shots).  Front view is to narrow sometimes and helicopter view doesnt allow for the precision.  I end up aiming as far left or right in front view as possible and then compensate with an off dig shot.  Results are never as accurate as Id like in these situations.  I agree the jumping aim maker is definitely an issue they should look at.  Its probably already logged as a feature enhancement bug.....which means the will never get to it.  LOL

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Fri, Jul 1 2016 12:16 PM

    You can move the aim marker from different cameras or move it back into the correct laterail location

    Don't think I have ever seen a forward view that you cant move it enough to compensate for the wind.

  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Fri, Jul 1 2016 1:49 PM

    You can move the aim marker from different cameras or move it back into the correct laterail location
    When you initially address your ball you will always get a 10Y Aim Marker which makes aiming easy (and quick).  When you start using different camera angles the Marker value changes.  So while it's possible to hit the forward or reverse view to move the aim marker you'd be forced to continually change back and forth between the two. 

    If they don't want to fix the marker in a lateral position then they should consider smoothing the mini map flag movement or giving us an option to set the Aim Marker movement speed.  I could change my mouse DPI to 200 and the current Wgt Aim Box will still jump 300Y in a flash.