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Re: Has anyone played Sunshine705?

Mon, May 9 2011 10:27 AM (51 replies)
  • 6six6
    194 Posts
    Tue, Apr 19 2011 8:23 PM





    Bear with him Suncity ..... this same person goes by many names.  He makes accounts everytime one gets closed out.  He's got issues.



    LOL they make a new name but forget about that stupid IP addy lol



  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Mon, May 9 2011 10:27 AM

    I can't play MPC but the biggest flaw that keeps the cheaters (sandbaggers) going is the ability to tier up without going up levels.  You can get to whatever level you want to be and then control your average by playing badly on stroke play that is rated and play Blitz and alt shot to gain points for your tier.  Not sure how to control this.