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Hello new members

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jul 3 2016 12:12 AM (0 replies)
  • DelahayeG
    763 Posts
    Sun, Jul 3 2016 12:12 AM

    Welcome to a whole new way to play golf. Our team is at your service and set up tournaments.

    We are a club that's very laid back, and our credo: respect, friendliness and solidarity between our members.

    Our members help you in anyway possible to climb the ladder of success. If you have any ideas or thoughts just post in the forums. 

    We also have a chat room so you can talk live while playing a round or just type. 

    We are a work in progress and we hope to get to the top of  WGT as one of the best Country Clubs out there. 

    Again we are thrilled you are now member of the Motor City Masters Country Club.

    Want to join??? just ask,

    Contact our Directors: CarstenWi, cobragolf2011 and Web513 and your wish is granted.