I have read everything I can about the way emails work and the various bugs people have had, but I'm still not totally clear on what is actually expected. Since club members sometimes have questions about receiving emails from our internal club forum, I wanted to ask for the record.
What is the expected behavior for a person to receive email notice of club forum posts? (Assuming this person hasn't unsubscribed from anything.) Here are some specific scenarios:
- Is a non-officer club member supposed to get an email notice about any new post the owner puts on the forum? (via "Write a New Post")
- Is a non-officer club member supposed to get an email notice about any new post written by a club officer other than an owner?
- Is a non-officer club member supposed to get an email notice about any new post written by another random member?
- Is the club owner him/herself supposed to get an email notice about any new post written by a club officer?
- Is the club owner him/herself supposed to get an email notice about any new post written by another random member?
The way it works for me:
- I get email notifications when I start a brand new post in the club forum
- I get NO email notifications about brand new posts in the club forum written by random members.
- But, I get email notifications when I reply into a post on the club forum.