I usually cringe at these types of posts, but going to give it a go this time, pretty new player, I play on a kindle fire tablet and really addicted to the game, but I will be a F2P player so that will hinder me in the future.
My driving is ok, I even outdrive level 80 tour pros with a lot better driver than me (which I'm struggling to get my head around). Iron and approach play is ok, unless in rough/bunker need more practice there, it's my putting that lets me down terribly, even though I am getting slightly better, but not much, hence why my approach play is good, means I don't have to putt.
I know this has been done to death but the meter and stuttering, remember I play on a kindle, so it may not be the same for everyone, but if I just go straight to a round it's fine for 97% of the shots, the 3% I can live with, but if I watch the videos then go straight to a round, it's probably 20% of shots that are fine, and 80% that stutter. Must have something to do with memory on the device isn't getting cleaned after the videos are watched, but im no expert in this. I usually watch videos, then reboot the kindle, then play.
Country clubs, I've applied for a few UK ones, no reply, but when I look at the members, the owner has not been seen for 2-3 years even though they have members still active, will just keep looking and applying I suppose.
I try to talk to everyone I play against, but with a lot it's like pulling teeth getting a reply, I also add as friend everyone I play, but as you can see only 4 have accepted :(
Ah well, will keep plugging away, I'm not good by any means and its usually one stupid shot that screws me on a hole, but I will get there eventually.
Nice meeting you all (and sorry for the essay).