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Re: Master St Andrews Ready-Go

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Sat, Mar 19 2011 2:32 PM (17 replies)
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  • gotstewart
    201 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 9:33 AM



    Ready go's are paid out whenever there are 50 scores / WD's posted, or 12 hours after filled, which ever comes first.

    Good Golfing,


    Long, I'm not worried about when the RG's pay out.  I would like WGT to open another while waiting on the feet draggers to finish the one they are entered in.  waiting 12 hrs to open another RG seems kind of silly to me. I can only play at certain times during the day and I would love to be able to get 3 or 4 rounds in during that time frame.

  • crgade
    490 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 9:47 AM

    Am confused, why wait 12 hours to play RG's why not try the other ones always seems to be lots open to me.........oh wait you only want masters ..........what happen to improving your selves................


  • gotstewart
    201 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 12:38 PM


    Am confused, why wait 12 hours to play RG's why not try the other ones always seems to be lots open to me.........oh wait you only want masters ..........what happen to improving your selves................


    Of course I want to play in my tier...I can't compete with the Legends yet.  Not gonna just donate a dollar lol.  At least in my own tier I have a chance of winning one or two.  A blind squirrel will find an acorn every once in a while.  Just not against bollux!

  • HDBanger
    348 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 2:08 PM

    How is playing in a tourney that cost 100 credits, dominated by Legends that consistently shoot 29's and 30's, when your a master, going to improve your game?  Now playing with better players in ranked rounds will improve your game, and not cost you 100 credits in the process. When I am putting money on the line, I want a fairly even playing field. All the ready go's should be tier restricted. The premium tourneys are the "open" shoot against the best tourneys. In my opinion, as it's setup now, the Legends have a ton of redy go's to pick from, while the lower tiers have 2 a day if they are lucky, to pick from.

  • MioKontic
    4,655 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 2:35 PM

    Of course I want to play in my tier...I can't compete with the Legends yet.  Not gonna just donate a dollar lol.  At least in my own tier I have a chance of winning one or two.  A blind squirrel will find an acorn every once in a while.

    My sentiments exactly; I don't have the credits to just throw them away, I'm doing the RG's to win credits!  And I'm not going to play those that I have little chance of at least getting my money back.

    GS - I've posted a thread in Product Suggestions about changing the time limit for RG's to 2 hours after entry is full, in my mind more than enough time to play a game that only takes 20 minutes.  Part of Icon's response was:

    I also, rarely if ever heard anyone mention that 12 hours is too long of a wait.

    Maybe you'd like to add your bit to that thread.

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Sat, Mar 19 2011 10:52 AM

    RGs are harder than just regular rounds aren't they.


    There is VEM involved isn't there. We kinow about the heavy winds. But the putting is harder for no real reason.


    You play a 18 around Kiawah or STA very fast winds/moderate wind and you are struggling to make par. When you are playing a normal ranked round you can expect at least a 66 at STA. Same conditions.

    Just started the latest Master STA front. 1st hole. 30 wind in your face so I overhit it because of that stupid stream. I am 30 past the hole with that lttle break and a VERY FAST green. I hit it 27. If you miss, you are 2ft past right. RIGHT, come on how many times have we all played these shots, we know where it is going to stop..

    It goes 38ft. 9ft past. Are you telling me that the wind got behind that rolling putt. WTF

  • golfkid210
    313 Posts
    Sat, Mar 19 2011 2:18 PM

    With a 30 mph wind, it certainly could get behind the putt and keep it rolling a little longer.  I've seen wind blow balls a couple inches from a dead stop out in the real world.

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Sat, Mar 19 2011 2:32 PM

    I get that. But 8ft more than a 15 wind.


    Funny how the wind doesn't make a difference when you trying to get it on the green.

    30 mph behind you and it adds a couple of yard to the shot not the 10 or so you were thinking. Strong wind in your face, you give it a little more and end off past the hole and off the green the other side.


    It's not skill, because it's not consistent. It's a lottery. WGT need to calm it down a bit on the winds or program it so the winds have certain effects with certain clubs EVERY TIME. Give or take a yard or two.Don't have it take you past the hole 10 yards one day and almost not reach it another.

    Case in point is those par 3s 8 and 12. When they put the hole right behind the bunker with a 20 mph wind behind your back. It's bunker or rough or 50+ feet past. Unless you can catch the rough and bobble on - a 1 in 10,000 shot.


    Of course that evens out the scores a touch in RGs, but does it make it fun?





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