twinponds169: The scale is changing mid putt. Going from 10 ft to 20 ft or 20 to 50. etc. Three people have reported this
I'm not totally sure this is what happened to me but in an AS match last night I had a 4 foot putt that did something for the first time ever. I have a mark on a piece of tape at 4 feet that has been foolproof for years. This time the putt acted like it was shot out of a cannon and the only thing that makes sense after seeing it was that the scale changed.
I have the sound on that switching clubs makes so I'm 100% sure I had the 15 scale up. It's the first thing I look to because I use avatar moves and the right scales are critical. I have no clue why what happened, happened and then I see this thread. Staying tuned. :-)
p.s., I'd love to see the look on the faces of players that have this happen. I know mine was contorted. LOL