I can't see all my profile on the homee screen or purchase goods from the pro shop.
this issue has to be on your end because I just opened your profile just fine
Try removing any tool bars, on your browser, that you don't need and try the full screen mode.
WGTicon: Hi, this issue has to be on your end because I just opened your profile just fine -wgticon
ANy suggestions how I can fix it?. HOw do you access full screen mode?
auto hide your taskbar. get rid of that crap windows live bar at the top. theres a favorites bar beneath that that will probably go with it. too much crap.
guessing you have 50 services running in the background also. any meter problems?
You're zoomed out too much. With a mouse wheel hold the CTRL key down and zoom in and out. Or just hold the CTRL key down and use the + or -.