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Account updates across devices?

rated by 0 users
Sat, Oct 15 2016 7:13 AM (0 replies)
  • jofoco4
    3 Posts
    Sat, Oct 15 2016 7:13 AM

    I'm using the same login to access the mobile app on my iPad as I do to access the web version on my PC. The information in my account is generally the same, but there are some glaring differences in some of the data posting on the mobile device, as compared to the PC. Is this normal?

    The data on the PC seems to reflect data created through mobile use, but the mobile app doesn't seem to be updating properly with either information created on the web OR created on the mobile device.

    Do I need to force a fresh login each time I open the mobile app? Do I just have to treat the two devices as managing independent, somewhat related accounts? Sort of distant cousins, twice removed?

    Interesting and fun app. A little curious from a data handling perspective.
