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Re: Looking for a Country Club

Sat, Oct 29 2016 2:41 PM (2 replies)
  • MastiffofAr
    49 Posts
    Fri, Oct 28 2016 6:36 PM

    Level 80 - Tour Pro with really crappy clubs is looking for a country club.  I'll mention what I hope to find, so you can skip the boring stuff about me.  It doesn't have to be a perfect fit, but man, this game makes it hard to find the right one for a player.

    My perfect club would need to have a good voice partition level.  Is it too much to ask to have a dozen on the voice chat program for a good part of the day?  (I'm in the US on PST) I'd enjoy coming home, and find people for discussion and play.  The level of the club (except starters), nor the amount of members is as important as the make up and participation.  If everyone is a legend or everyone is a hack, we'd all hate it.  I need tips from better players, and have some to offer those just starting, so a mix is great!  I prefer not to have mandatory tourneys or clash participation, but I generally played in them previously.  If that sounds like you, and you need a new member...

    I live out on the west coast, play a couple games a day... and one every day.  Today was 76 in a row, and before that, longer.  Started in Feb. of '14, but didn't get hooked until about nine months ago.  I have crap golf clubs, but I set my sights on what I want, and I'll be buying my prefered bag on sticks starting in 8 levels.  I've played alone for the most part, but really enjoyed voice chat games.  Having one a day would be great.  I do tend to relax with a cocktail when I get home, and I've been told I talk too much at times.  So, I'm far from perfect!  (They said my game would suffer a little, too, but I know better.  My game can go in the crapper at any moment!)

    Send a message if you have an interest.



  • MastiffofAr
    49 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2016 2:41 PM