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Re: Competition set up

rated by 0 users
Thu, Nov 3 2016 3:02 PM (3 replies)
  • mikey1961
    1,686 Posts
    Mon, Oct 31 2016 6:41 AM

    I am the owner of a very small CC there's only 5 of us so getting up the xp ladder takes some time but the reason i'm saying this is that we have regular weekly comps and at this moment in time we are allowed to set up 12 per week.

    Now the problem i have been having is that on numerous occasions when setting the comps up it has duplicated itself and this has happened a few times so that the allocated amount of set ups got used up without me being able to set them all up

    Is there any way within the owners tools that i can delete a comp or if not i think WGT should make this an option for owners tools 

    Any help would be appreciated 


  • twinponds169
    3,052 Posts
    Mon, Oct 31 2016 6:50 AM

    Customer Service has been very helpful with us the few times this has happened recently, but you have to get to them fairly quickly on it. Owner does have the ability to delete a bracket comp but not any other type. Why, I do not know. I wish the owner and the tournament director had the ability (tool) to edit a tournament, even if it was just for the short time that it posts but has yet to have a player enter it. Sure would save CS a lot of time, and everyone a lot of hassle.


  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Mon, Oct 31 2016 7:01 AM

    User's workaround by Ms. Fish:

    If the page starts spinning before reloading after submitting the tournament, x out the browser. With luck you will have avoided the double entry, without luck you will have killed both and have to re-do.

  • mikey1961
    1,686 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2016 3:02 PM

    If the page starts spinning before reloading after submitting the tournament, x out the browser. With luck you will have avoided the double entry, without luck you will have killed both and have to re-do

    Yeah at this moment in time it seems to be the only option available