Your equipment looks fine.
Looking at your stats, driving is pretty much okay.
GIR and Distance to Pin - Ouch.
Putting doesn't look too good, but the easiest way to improve putting is to knock it closer on approach. Irons is where you need to concentrate.
You could do a forum search for wind and elevation tips.
There's great info at garypinhunters for a one stop lesson.
Unless you have a tremendous memory, it's a good idea to take notes on each hole of each course, ESPECIALLY on those occasions where you actually hit the ding on approach. Some holes flat out lie about distance, or behave strangely as regards elevation.
Sample note: #15 BPB - Do normal calcs. Add 4-5 yards. attempt to hit left of flag.
This has led to a few eagles there, and pretty much guaranteed par.
Good Luck - Happy Hitting