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Re: Balls and Club. Meter Speed Final Speed Calc?

rated by 0 users
Tue, Nov 15 2016 3:44 PM (3 replies)
  • Boss0660
    4 Posts
    Sun, Nov 13 2016 1:55 AM

    I have a club with meter speed of 4.0

    Balls meter speed is 3.5

    Wich will be my final speed result?


    A: 4.0 +3.5 = 7.5 (i should buy balls to get the improvement)

    B: 4.0 (Club Speed) Nothing changed (i dont need to buy balls)

    C: 3.5 (Ball Speed) Faster speed so i dont need to buy balls

    D: Other results (please explain the calculation and how the speed is affected

    Sorry for the rude and simplified question but i need to understend in numbers.

  • sodakknight
    705 Posts
    Mon, Nov 14 2016 5:02 PM

    I'm going to take a stab at this using numbers as I see them.  

    I try to get all my clubs (except putter) to have the same meter speed.  In my case that is 3.5.  This achieves the maximum chance that I can be close to ding on all clubs as the speed across the clubs is consistent.

    Then I tried out various balls to see which one I could use that would make the meter speed most comfortable.  I wound up using Max Pro with a meter speed of 5.  

    If I average the sum of the 2 (5+3.5=8.5 divide by 2 = 4.25)  that results in what I consider the slowest meter I can acheive with my ball/club combo.

    I consider the slowest meter speed to be 5 hence the reason I average the ball speed/club speed but you could just as easily convert your way and use the closest to 10 using the sum of ball speed/club speed.

    In my opinion, meter speed should compliment consistency.  That's why my first recommendation to anyone is to get the meter speed of your clubs to the same if you can! Then worry about the ball.


  • Boss0660
    4 Posts
    Tue, Nov 15 2016 3:56 AM

    Ty Ty Ty

    I think now I understand better..

    My clubs are nike (lvl 80-81-82) speed 4.0 + Cleveland lvl 74 76 78 speed 3.5..starter putter..

    Anyway...i need to sum then divide for 2 for each club... now is clear.

    Tank you again

  • sodakknight
    705 Posts
    Tue, Nov 15 2016 3:44 PM

    I'm glad that works for you! You are welcome!