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Re: Club Selection

rated by 0 users
Sat, Nov 26 2016 11:39 PM (2 replies)
  • wayneacampbell
    64 Posts
    Sat, Nov 26 2016 3:35 PM

    I would like to call on the membership again for assistance in two areas of club selection.

    Is there a method to factor in elevation changes both up and down,( I know up requires more club and conversely down requires less) and secondly is there a method to factor in wind that is quartering with respect to head and tail winds.

    Always find the information most informative.


    Thanks Again.



  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Sat, Nov 26 2016 9:13 PM


    I would like to call on the membership again for assistance in two areas of club selection.

    Is there a method to factor in elevation changes both up and down,( I know up requires more club and conversely down requires less) and secondly is there a method to factor in wind that is quartering with respect to head and tail winds.

    Always find the information most informative.


    Thanks Again.



    Go to this site, set up by Gary @ pinhunters.  It has a shot calculator you can download.  It includes adjustments for + and - elevation.



  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Sat, Nov 26 2016 11:39 PM

    Just in case the OP doesn't want to use a calculator, they're not everybody's thing after all.

    Elevation is easy, add a yard for every yard of rise and subtract a yard for every yard of fall.  For some reason the usual way of expressing that here has become a yard per 3 feet of elevation.  Since 3 feet is a yard I find a yard for a yard easier.

    Also be aware that a ball landing on a green above you will tend to roll more and one landing on a green below you will stop quickly.  Obviously the further above or below you the green is the more extreme this effect is.

    There are a few wind calcs floating around, the old one for cross wind is distance x wind in mph / 200 to find how many yards you need to aim away from the hole.  Note only the actual side wind should be calculated, if you have a 20mph diagonal wind then only 10mph is blowing your ball sideways.

    A head wind is distance x wind /180 for how many yards are lost, tail wind the same but divide by 260 instead.  Also allow for the fact the ball will usually stop quickly with a head wind and roll out with a tail wind.

    I haven't used any of these for a long time but unless something has changed they should still get you in the ballpark and once you've done them a few times you'll probably be able to do it in your head quickly.

    Just one (or many) word(s) of caution regarding using calculations though.  When you work everything out to the nth degree and still find your ball finishes 5 yards from the hole it's a lot more frustrating than when you just drag the aimer and power meter to where "feels" right.

    I gave up on working everything out at least a couple of years ago and much prefer the "hmm, looks about right" way of doing things.  I've read some insanely complex putting guides here and it makes me cringe at how elaborate some of them are.  There may be some players out there who have a lunch break halfway through a 9 hole round.