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Re: getting over greenside bunkers

rated by 0 users
Wed, Dec 7 2016 9:02 AM (6 replies)
  • club578
    570 Posts
    Sat, Dec 3 2016 6:20 AM

    hi  i have max irons med/high  i put b/s on ball an cannot get over them if i go 1 club up how far up on that club?

  • DufferJohn7
    3,581 Posts
    Sat, Dec 3 2016 11:28 AM

    Try a flop shot,  Gets up quickly and stops pretty well.

    Have fun and hit 'em up and over,


  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Mon, Dec 5 2016 8:32 AM


    Try a flop shot,  Gets up quickly and stops pretty well.

    Have fun and hit 'em up and over,


    If the flop doesnt work then use the punch shot . Both shots you need to learn for play around the greens as well as for approach shots too .


  • krskfr
    458 Posts
    Mon, Dec 5 2016 9:05 AM

    i find using "full shot" gives approaches in the bunker the best loft which induces the softest landing. "Flop" is great as well when you're closer to the pin. Cheers, your friend and mine, K.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Dec 5 2016 12:53 PM

    I think the OP is talking about approach shots (like at Beth 4 & 15) coming up short hitting sand or rough, not wedge shots from or near bunkers round the green. He didn't ask about wedges.

     If that's the case then proper high trajectory irons are the answer. The G-25's are the 1st ones available.

  • DufferJohn7
    3,581 Posts
    Mon, Dec 5 2016 10:11 PM


    I think the OP is talking about approach shots (like at Beth 4 & 15) coming up short hitting sand or rough, not wedge shots from or near bunkers round the green. He didn't ask about wedges.

     If that's the case then proper high trajectory irons are the answer. The G-25's are the 1st ones available.

    Excellent point, my approach game really improved when I moved up to high trajectory irons. Even now the 3I runs more than I like on uphill approaches.


  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2016 9:02 AM

    Knowing that DJ and if you don't wish to change to the Nikes before, (or if) they go then is not the answer to calculate the distance of the shot and then back off  2,4 6yds or so?