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Re: More WGT Players

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Tue, Dec 13 2016 3:23 PM (19 replies)
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  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Dec 12 2016 8:28 PM

    This is actually a nice example of how the exception proves the rule.

    NAK. The well-established development adds to traditional habits. Not a reason for me to ignore any side. The story, missing important facts, bears little truth.

    It shows to me that blinders are involved.

  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Mon, Dec 12 2016 10:45 PM

    Noting the deprived and often depraved background they came from, I would be surprised if any of the Peaky Blinders gang ever played golf.

    However, in my forty plus years of playing golf and being involved in the game, it never once occurred to me that playing anything other than 18 holes per round constituted a round of golf. 

    The only times I played less was either after work during weekdays and a full round wasn't possible before dark or else when a few of us would book a week off work to play various courses in a chosen area of the UK. Then we might play two or maybe three and a part rounds in a given day.

    Arriving at WGT six months ago, it took some adjusting to 9 holes being the norm instead of the accustomed 18. I initially put it down to the whole world suffering from some form an attention span deficiency until I discovered tiers, averages, saturation, sandbagging and other stuff I have absolutely no interest in whatsoever. I am solely here to play golf and everything else will take care of itself.

    Now what do I put here? Just saying, my nickle, my twopennorth, here endeth the first chapter? You choose what suits you.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Dec 12 2016 11:54 PM

    To each his own, but the term "18 holes or less" has been in the rules for 44 years now (1972 rules), and as I said, 9 hole tournaments have been offered here in 2005 already.

    The definition "stipulated round = 18 holes unless otherwise authorised [...]" was introduced in 1950. The term "stipulated round" had been used before but not defined in the rules.

  • daveparr
    1,175 Posts
    Tue, Dec 13 2016 3:40 AM

    In real life there are 9, hole course golf  clubs l youst to play  games on these courses ideal when your a pensioner and you cannot get around a 18 hole course.

                  Now l  play a lot of 9,hole on wgt  guess its just habit from real life lol


  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Tue, Dec 13 2016 3:43 AM

    I prefer 18 hole rounds, in real life I almost never played 9 holes.  I can only think of 2 tournaments from my old real life club that were 9 hole based and these were both long running with several rounds played.

    I play quite a lot of 9 hole rounds here though because I play as much as I can with other people and, as has already been mentioned, disconnection becomes more likely over 18 holes.  Time is also a big factor, very often I play alt-shot and the chances of all 4 players having enough time for 18 holes is low.

    I'm really not fussed either way here to be honest, what does bug me is unlimited rounds.  They suck big time.

  • Tamsach
    2,823 Posts
    Tue, Dec 13 2016 4:07 AM

    I play 9 holes just for a matter of time. Expecially when I play with others players. We are not professional players, but people that play form home or from office and we have a lot of distractions and things to do. For example, answering at the phone. 

  • borntobesting
    9,779 Posts
    Tue, Dec 13 2016 8:15 AM

    A lot of us have a short attention And that is why we play some very good front 9's then struggle mightily on the back 9. 

    Case in point the last 2 times I played in the December Virtual Tour tournament. 

    Second time I played it 27 front and after a few brain dead moments on the backside 33 for a 60 

    Third time front 29 and after several brain dead moments a + 5 39 for a 68

  • ernestious
    373 Posts
    Tue, Dec 13 2016 8:44 AM


    A game of golf is 18 holes. More WGT players should play 18 hole games when they opt to play stroke play.

    Why do you think most play 9 hole games?




    My washroom is 2 flights of stairs and i drink beer.


  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Tue, Dec 13 2016 2:27 PM

    It's been quite a long time (months and months) since anyone playing 18 holes of straight ranked stroke play with me got disconnected during our game, but I only let players with a Green completion check mark join the games I create.

    Except for some time this last summer I pretty much create and play an 18 hole game every day - just me and another player to keep the time no more than 75 minutes or so.

    No Disconnects not purposefully initiated by the other player.

    Unfortunately, though it states in the Lobby it's an 18 hole game with a 90 second shot clock, few of the guys that play 9 all the time bother to look and see what the deal is when they join a game I have started and think we are done once 9 holes have been played. Moo!

    No Doubt WGT still has issues with some game types vis-a-vis disconnects, but I don't play those types of games. 


    The "stipulated round" consists of playing the holes of the course in their correct sequence, unless otherwise authorized by the Committee. The number of holes in a stipulated round is 18 unless a smaller number is authorized by the Committee. As to extension of stipulated round in match play, see Rule 2-3.

    As noted by others in the thread, it is quite rare IRL golf to encounter a tournament that the Committee has authorized less than 18 holes as the stipulated round.

    By the same token lots of 9 hole golf courses are short, pitch and putt courses that don't qualify for computing a USGA Handicap.




  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Dec 13 2016 3:23 PM


    I got carried away in my arguments of disagreement with you, but that discussion is of no use.

    Shorter rounds have been mentioned in the rules for 44 years now. They have been practiced in tournaments for 10+ years here, and "Play 9" has been a subject in the USGA for a long time and an initiative for three years.

    IMHO, golf is played in 9 hole and 18 hole rounds, and many more!
    (while I agree that I find 18 holes most pleasing IRL)

    If you chose to stay outside of this, it's to your own. Conditions and habits are different between us and between our countries...


    But, what is the relevance concerning your WGT question?

    Why should WGT players (gamers) prefer 18 holes?

    Any replys to the pro-nine arguments concerning WGT?

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