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Re: XP (Extra Points) for Daily Play [Error]

rated by 0 users
Sat, Dec 24 2016 12:57 AM (7 replies)
  • llewellyn727
    33 Posts
    Sun, Dec 18 2016 8:01 PM

    I am currently on my 50th consecutive day playing and for some reason I did not get the xp's for yesterday (49th day - 1027 xps), nor today's 2260 xps. 

    Can someone please check and provide me some feedback.



  • llewellyn727
    33 Posts
    Mon, Dec 19 2016 11:09 AM

    Should this be riposted in the bug reporting forum?


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Dec 20 2016 4:39 AM

    XP (Extra Points) for Daily Play [Error]

     XP means experience points.

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Tue, Dec 20 2016 10:02 AM

    So let's check for some feedback:

    Please tell us:

    - is your streak still alive?

    - do you play on PC or on mobile?

    - what did you do to get the CDP?

    - what did you do (on WGT) right after the new day (12 pm GMT!)?

    - how do you know that you didn't receive the XPs?

  • llewellyn727
    33 Posts
    Tue, Dec 20 2016 1:34 PM

    Here are responses to your questions

    • Yes my streak is still alive. I got the CDP 51 xp points today
    • I play on PC
    • I play rounds daily
    • I play a new round every time a new consecutive xp day clocks in
    • Every day until CDP 49th and 50th day, the CDP points are added to the round I play soon after the day appears. I play tournament rounds to get extra points. So for example if I just played Pebble Beach and I shot 74 the following would show after completion of the round:
      • 400 + 74+ CDP xp points + 9 
    • In contrast on the 49th & 50TH days I did not get the CDP xp points added at all
    Thanks for feedback

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Tue, Dec 20 2016 10:45 PM

    Thanks for explaining.


  • Every day until CDP 49th and 50th day, the CDP points are added to the round I play soon after the day appears. I play tournament rounds to get extra points. So for example if I just played Pebble Beach and I shot 74 the following would show after completion of the round:
    • 400 + 74+ CDP xp points + 9 
  • In contrast on the 49th & 50TH days I did not get the CDP xp points added at all
  • So you rely on the display(?)

    To me, it's the first time that a PC player reports to get the streak but no points. I rather imagine that you might have been awarded the CDP before, if you started a game and played one shot (or more) on the new CDP day and aborted it. You'd get the awards, streak and XPs, but no notification. Any chance of this?

  • llewellyn727
    33 Posts
    Wed, Dec 21 2016 9:37 AM


    Thanks for explaining.


    So you rely on the display(?)

    To me, it's the first time that a PC player reports to get the streak but no points. I rather imagine that you might have been awarded the CDP before, if you started a game and played one shot (or more) on the new CDP day and aborted it. You'd get the awards, streak and XPs, but no notification. Any chance of this?


    Thanks for the response. I understand that even if you abandon or aborted a game you can still gain points for you club or CDP points but in my case this did not happen. Once I start a new CDP day to get the extra points, I never abort a game even though I may have a bad round. I always keep track of the CDP xp points awarded at the end of the round. In this case it did not happen on the 49th day, so I thought it was just one incident but  it happen again on the 50th day. 



  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sat, Dec 24 2016 12:57 AM

    Thanks again. So, we have to take this to the records.