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Re: Tier Progression Meter on Player Profile Page

rated by 0 users
Fri, Dec 23 2016 3:46 PM (17 replies)
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  • pmm711
    5,789 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2016 9:42 AM


    BUT WHY????

    ...and shouting chases us (me) away.

    Sheesh...thin skinned, eh?  I toned it down via an edit (but bolded it. Still offended?)

  • pmm711
    5,789 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2016 9:48 AM


    So, I take it that you want them to play the game for you too? 

    Robert...your response makes me think you've purchased the Cat Meow Balls...and enjoy playing them.  Dude...there is a thing called "analytics" in the real world.  The sh@t they do provide to us is worthless...not that my request offers much more value.  LOL  I'm just saying if they're going to have tiers then provide some progress meter for us.  They do it for XPs.  Tier progression is another E-A-S-Y one. Then again, for these devs, maybe not.

  • ostfriedel
    2,052 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2016 10:54 AM

  • Robert1893
    7,731 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2016 11:11 AM

    Robert...your response makes me think

    All evidence to the contrary.

    Dude...there is a thing called "analytics" in the real world.

    Tell me more about this analytics thing.

    For example, when you do your analytics, do you use SPSS, Stata, or R? I still use SPSS, but will run some of my logistic regression analyses in Stata. But I have to admit that I found R to have too high of a learning curve. For now, I gave up learning it. Nevertheless, I might give it a go again at some point down the road. 

    What's your experience, dude?  

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2016 11:31 AM

    Sheesh...thin skinned, eh? [...] offended?

    Not a bit. I have a reputation of bluntness and I give and take. I won't take personal what isn't personal ;)

    But I noticed that you insist in this "Why (not)?", escalating to a cry of ?desperation? For that, we are the wrong audience - you'd have to follow the snipped part of my post.

  • pmm711
    5,789 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2016 11:41 AM


    What's your experience, dude?  

    #1 EasyEd should boot you...sheesh I can't believe he'd put up with the likes of you. I know for a fact he has more sense than that.

    #2 Not that I owe you an explanation...


    #4 People like you are why I bolded some words in the original post.

    #5 WGT is hiring...I sent them a link to your profile.  You'd be a great intern. (I know).


  • Robert1893
    7,731 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2016 11:59 AM

    #1 EasyEd should boot you...sheesh I can't believe he'd put up with the likes of you. I know for a fact he has more sense than that.

    You take pot shots at me, accuse other people of being offended, and then react this way? But I tell you what, contact Ed, send him a link to this page, let's see what he says. After all, you appear to like sending links. 

    #5 WGT is hiring...I sent them a link to your profile.  You'd be a great intern. (I know)

    Once I received tenure, I lost all desire to look for any other positions. 

  • Robert1893
    7,731 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2016 3:46 PM

    That way I'd know how many Ranked Rounds I have played

    By the way, if that's all you want to know, send a request to EasyEdward. It's my understanding that he has a formula or spreadsheet worked out that will help people determine (with a fair amount of accuracy) the number of ranked rounds they've played as a Legend.

    Of course, it doesn't have the precision of an abacus, which is what I use, but one works with what one has. And feel free to use my name and tell him I sent you! :-)  

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