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Sildenafil Country Club now recruiting. All are welcome to try us out.

Tue, Jan 10 2017 10:32 PM (0 replies)
  • Teeituptommy
    376 Posts
    Tue, Jan 10 2017 10:32 PM

    Greeting fellow WGT player.  My name is Tommy Rehbein and I am the owner of Sildenafil Country Club.  I founded this club almost 6 years ago as a place for active WGT players to get together, play matches, share tips and make friends.  I ran the club for 3 years and then I stepped away from WGT for 3 years as I had more pressing matters to attend to in real life.  I left the club in good hands as we have a great group of core members who have been with us for years.

    I am now back and in full control.  I am in the process of ridding the club of dormant players and on a quest to fill the club with active players and good people.  We once were at our maximum capacity of 250 players with many on a waiting list and soon enough we will be there once more.  Let me tell you a little bit about how we will operate and then I leave it up to you if you would like to give us a try.  Sound fair enough?


    1.  We will always have a minimum of 10 tournaments in play.  They will be of all formats.  Some will be for certain tiers so that you may compete against peer competition while many others will be open to all members of the club.

    There will be random occasional giveaways during club events.  How often this occurs will depend solely on how much overtime I work as I will be the one funding the prize 

    There will be two ways to actively win a prize.  Notice I said active - meaning you have to be a member of the club in good standing and actively participate to be entered.

    A)  There may be prizes for placement in certain events.

    B)  Participation in weekly club tournaments will earn you one entry in the Sildenafil Prize Drum.  Play in select special tournaments will earn you another.  And if you play in tournaments against other country clubs you will earn 2 entries for a posted score.

    When there is to be a giveaway I will spin the drum and pick names and then contact you as to what you want followed by gifting you the item.   :)


    What is a member in good standing?

    1)  To start off you will have to have played a round in the last 60 days.  Life catches up with us all and does not always permit us to play daily or for stretches.  I, better than anyone, understand this.  As the club grows this may be re-evaluated.

    2)  Be a nice person.  We do not tolerate hotheads, those who can't speak without every other word being profane or those who show poor sportsmanship.  Folks, we are here to have fun, relax, kill a little time and just have fun.

    3)  Though it is not necessary - participation in the club forum, at your leisure, is highly encouraged.


    Why should you give us a shot?

    1.  Play in comfort amongst like minded individuals.

    2.  Learn tips from our experts in the club forum to improve your game.

    3.  Grow your friend list with good people so you always have a friendly opponent to play.

    4.. Have a chance to win prizes.

    5.  IT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE!  You are free to join and you are free to leave if the club is not for you.


    So that's it.  You have absolutely nothing to lose and possibly much to gain.


    If you are interested here is all you have to do:

    1)  Look us up and click join or contact me directly and I will add you.

    2)  Send me a friend request.  If you have any questions message me or post your question to the club forum.  You may also ask question to our club officers Kcihak and Eusebius.  They are always happy to help.

    3)  Then just browse around.  Enter some tournaments, play and have fun.  I would also advise scrolling the club forum.  Look for posts by ChipNSink.  Over the years he shared a vast amount of tips that are sure to help all.


    We are officially re-launching Sildenafil Country Club February 1st.  In the time leading up to then I will be adding new members, removing dormant accounts, tidying up the forum so you can find the information you want with ease so that we ready to rock and roll come February 1st.


    I look forward to seeing you at the club and as always - feel free to hit me up for a game anytime.  Hack or top tier - I will play with anyone at anytime I am available.

    Best wishes,

    Tommy Rehbein

    Founder & Owner of Sildenafil Country Club

    "Where you always have enough club"