A couple of points.
I would personally wait to upgrade further.......unless you have the cash to throw at the game. Otherwise hold off as the higher the level, the better clubs are available and you will upgrade less.
But it is impressive that you are trying to learn the game, so try all the shots and continue to have fun.
The CC you are in has a problem - mainly that the owner has not played since October. A good CC should have an active owner and the members should try and help newer player in mentoring roles.
There are lots of good clubs out there and provided you are active, will take you on.
Look at http://www.wgt.com/clubs/valley_of_the_sun_casual_club/default.aspx
Post on the owners wall - he is a good bloke,
Another is http://www.wgt.com/clubs/wgt_amigos/default.aspx
Post on the owners wall, again a good mucker.
Like I said, there are lots of good CC's that will mentor new players - ask the owners first and find out what they expect from you.