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Quiter list needed

rated by 0 users
Wed, Apr 20 2011 6:40 AM (0 replies)
  • BigKerry
    13 Posts
    Wed, Apr 20 2011 6:40 AM

    I think we need a quiter list just like the friends list.  I joined a game a few days ago with a player that will go un-named who was at the Master level, I am at Pro Tour.  I have found that often players above my level often quit after a bad hole or tow.  It may be they don't want to lose to a lowly Pro or they may hurt there avg, I don't know.  He started the game with only he and I then when he had a bad hole on 7 and was putting for bogie on 8 he just quit.  It is nice that we have a friends list but we also need a quiter list that I can add people like these.  I do keep a handwritten list of total losers and if I join a game and they are involved I leave.  DOES ANYONE ELSE THINK THIS WOULD BE GOOD?????