Twice today the game reported i forfeited and I had no choice but to start another game. Anyone has an answer to this?
This just happened to me game said I forfited which I did not went to rebute that on chat was called a hole
If you find the answer to this let me know
(Sh)It happens. Just start another game.
alosso: (Sh)It happens. Just start another game.
That's a fairly flippant, smart ass reply to this players question & very first post. He is not a newbie, been around for nearly 2 years & the first time he posts in the forums he gets that for an answer.
Unfortunately, you have no better answer. Nobody has.
But, since you question my thoughts:
What is your recipe if not "When it happens, continue"? Anything deeper? I guess not.
So, please, don't show the smartass to me.
Need to know more.
Was there a shot clock violation? Or a did not return in time? Did you get the dreaded "you have a lot of shots to make up" notice? Or did it just boot you out of the blue?
If the latter, I've never seen it happen, but nothing surprises me.
My best advise would be to send a detailed message to WGT Customer Service, so they can see if they can reproduce the problem... Despite what some might say, they really do their best to find and fix bugs, but what most people dimply do not understand is that it takes time to find the problem and then work a patch to fix the error. In short, give them some time and a chance to sort things out!!!
Phil aka., Coyote
16,000 + posts and still nothing useful to say!!! How about give the guy a break hau!!!