I see that there are individual bracket tournaments but I was wondering if there was a way to set up a team bracket tournament either in country club mode or WGT mode. I would like to see this game set up in sort of the same way as the Ryder Cup. That would really be interesting.
G. Gilbert
Partsman41953:I was wondering if there was a way to set up a team bracket tournament either in country club mode or WGT mode.
No there isn't.
The closest available to Ryder Cup is A/S games, but only on PC.
As stated by Alosso.
In our country club, we set up this sort of tournament using Challonge.com - you can set team and individual events.
No to the OP. That would make too much sense as then we could see what CC could claim to be the best in the game. Instead...we have a Cash Cow Clash Event every 2 weeks. You be the judge as to what it means to "win" that event.