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Re: golf ball

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Tue, Apr 4 2017 6:43 PM (13 replies)
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  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Mon, Apr 3 2017 9:18 AM


    Amazing . Your account is over 7 years old and you have only as many posts . So in the time of your absence this question has been asked over 100 times . But since you dont visit the forums regularly here goes . 

    There are some people who dont have an opinion on every subject on the planet, I will only respond to a forum question if I know the answer, I will only create a forum question if someone has not done it before, that why I only have a few comments myself. However I do visit the forums on a regular basis, looking down your nose at me and others because we only get involved when we need to rather than when we have nothing else to do, is only counter productive. 

    We are not trying to beat the world record for the amount of posts, we just need information occasionally, please dont sneer at us because of this.


    Its not an opinion its the answer to the question . What was amazing is that after 7 years the poster would even ask this question because by now the answer has been given over a hundred times . I too visit the forums every day because this is where I got all of my help when it comes to learning and knowing the game .

    Just as others were kind enough to help me with advice and guidance on how to play the game , I to am now paying it forward .Un like you my answer to the poster of the thread was to help them understand the reason as to the why . It was informative and helpful and at no point was I sneering at them just stating my observation as to their lack of game knowledge  as well as their involvement also .

    So the only remarks that are counter productive are yours .My amount of posts are both questions as well as answers from my time in the game and also from the cc forum that I post in as well . The few comments that you have you need to keep to yourself as they are of no help to anyone here in the forum .

     I will continue to post replies here to help others and also to comment on those posts which are comments of game observations . I didnt even know you existed until your post and its a shame that you felt the need to reveal yourself to me , since you have nothing needful to say . This is usually the way trolls act so thanks for letting us know who you are . Have a nice day .


  • msejnoha
    63 Posts
    Mon, Apr 3 2017 3:14 PM

    I get that it's all about the money. But the half-used balls in inventory have also been paid for. As my last post stated, I clearly don't have a problem purchasing balls. I was going to purchase them anyway. I purchased 1200 credits worth trying to get them to equip. My problem is that they wouldn't equip, so the option to go to inventory would have been nice. I also know it's my fault for starting a round with one ball. However, I've never had a problem with purchasing balls mid round before. I obviously wasn't planning on losing a ball. And as bad as I am, believe it or not, I haven't lost very many balls. 


    I emailed support and they acknowledged that there was a problem with balls equipping. I also suggested that it would be nice to have a meter in inventory that showed how much life was left in those odd half used balls. Whomever responded agreed that was a good idea and said it was passed along to the dev team. Whether anything comes of that is another matter. 

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Mon, Apr 3 2017 11:10 PM

    I also suggested that it would be nice to have a meter in inventory that showed how much life was left in those odd half used balls. Whomever responded agreed that was a good idea and said it was passed along to the dev team.

    LMFAO! The old "We tell the design team" saying...

    Also, a showcase of "competence" - this meter has been existing for a year(?) now - it shows on single balls in the inventory.

    But, it doesn't help when you lose that last ball OOB or in water. Then, you should have some more balls in your bag, or the buy-in-game feature should work. I rely on it, too, and have not been disappointed yet.

    Mind you that you may visit the Pro Shop through the game, to buy&add THAT SINGLE TYPE of balls to your bag.

  • msejnoha
    63 Posts
    Tue, Apr 4 2017 6:43 PM

    Neither of those are true on mobile. I don't have a hit meter on single balls left in inventory and I can't go to the pro shop mid-round. Either way, I have 9 balls now so I should be good for a while. 

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