Here are the only things I can think of, and the first is somewhat cumbersome.
(1) First have one of your CC Directors volunteer to be the Banker, unless your owner wants to take care of it.
Set up a paid entry fee tournament with a winner take all payout, that everyone who is going to take part in this enters. Then have everyone except the banker withdraw, or lose, so the payout goes only to the banker, less WGT's 20%.
Next, set up the Tournament, or Tournaments (if more than one) you want everyone to compete in, as a free, single play tournament. This way there is no payout by WGT. After the Tournament is completed, post results in your CC forum, showing which members won what amount of credits.
They then have the option of having the Banker gift them balls or equipment, or they can set up some type of match play between the Banker and the member for the credits won. The downside of this payout is that each player has to put up an equal amount, and WGT will take 10% from each, for their 20% again.
The up side is that the Banker can hold the credits for the member until the member asks for them to be paid out. This would make it easier for someone who is saving up to buy equipment.
(2) Have members pledge credits and they are used to sponsor different tournaments. Then use those to pay the members you want to receive credits by the sponsor. The payouts then happen the same way as above, with the sponsor gifting balls or equipment, or setting up a match play tournament between the sponsor and the receiving member, and again giving WGT their cut.
This is what our CC does, by having a series of 21Tournaments over about 10 or 11 months. Only our pledgers are allowed to win credits, but all CC members can play in the tournaments.
As far as I know, no one has ever set up a match to actually get the credits, and instead take balls as the normal gift.We do everything with a modified Handicap system to help level the playing field between the different tiers.
If we ever get the Bank that is still "Coming Soon", it would make things easier than jumping through these hoops to do prize payouts. But it does work.
I hope this helps a bit. If you would like more info, send me a friend invite and I will go into greater detail in a PM.