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CC Tournament - Prize disablement

Tue, May 9 2017 11:15 PM (17 replies)
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  • Vandwemke
    298 Posts
    Sun, May 7 2017 11:42 AM

    As a country club owner in a up and coming club, I am wondering if somehow I could create club tournaments where we have everyone able to participate but, allow the better players to omit themselves from the prize pool. 

    I would like to know if it can be programmed in so that, for tournament prize purposes, the higher skilled members, be able to select/de-select much like the PGA where we can declare an "Amateur" type of "Tournament Status" so that we cannot collect prize credits.

    Appreciate your thoughts,



  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sun, May 7 2017 12:58 PM

    This ain't available.

    You may create tournaments for certain tiers, excluding those "better players".

    You can also create a free tournament and decide from the leaderboard who to exclude or how to modify the result by "handicapping". Then you'd have to transfer the prizes indiviually, e.g. by gifting clubs or balls.

  • Vandwemke
    298 Posts
    Sun, May 7 2017 10:40 PM

    Yes I know it's not available! That's why I am SUGGESTING it in the "Product Suggestion" forum.

    Creating tournaments is not the issue, I want "all" to be able to play in the same tournament. When I do not, I create individual Tier tournaments.

    The whole purpose of the suggestion is to eliminate the administratively complex logistics of "handicapping" and individually transferring and gifting of prizes.


    Sorry, I wasn't aware that you are the software developer at WGT. But given your response to my "Product Suggestion" forum, not the "I am a moron and need your help column": So thank you for wasting your time with what amounts to a totally useless reply to my query.


  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sun, May 7 2017 11:21 PM

    Excuse me, I didn't look at the forum title, and I didn't get to the point of your question:

    I would like to know if it can be programmed in

    I'm giving it a second friendly try:

    Yes it can - almost everything can be programmed.

    No it won't - IMNSHO - because it calls for expenses to program administratively complex logistics, but won't contribute to our host's revenue.

    Enjoy the game!

  • Mcduff61
    1,753 Posts
    Sun, May 7 2017 11:54 PM

     Just divey up the prize pool , put the tour legends and champions in their own division with regards to the scoring, and let your other tiers that you want to thrive battle out for the rest of the prize...give the lower tiers most of the credits, or the grand prize and let the tour legends and champs have the scraps, they shouldn't care one bit...

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Mon, May 8 2017 6:17 AM


    Edited to this:

    Appreciate your thoughts,



    Apparently you really didn't mean it when you added the above, judging from your rant at the response alosso gave you.  You need to remember that the forum is answered mostly by other players, and occasionally a mod, not WGT directly.  

    alosso was much nicer in his response to you than I probably would have been given your attitude,  i.e. if it looks like a duck, acts like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.  If it acts like a jerk the same reasoning usually applies.



  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Mon, May 8 2017 11:50 AM

    Wow, I know that there are people that can read other people's minds! Never met one before, sometimes I wish that I were gifted with that.  I think it's a shame that someone who's trying to better a cc, then  get the garbage bag thrown at him. As I read it "suggestion" is an idea or plan brought forth for consideration.  This being a computer game, we all know that there are ways around the established programming, I believe he might have been looking for something along those lines, something like another tread I was reading before, about a backdoor to a new course?  If you follow the forums, you know right away who the golfers are, and who the "players" are.  Doing the research, it's pretty apparent how to set up tourneys, with prizes and tiers etc.  Gifting is another option, and subject altogether. 

        If your gullible enough to believe that if it walks, talks and acts like a duck, beware it may be a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Also remember that sometimes if you look in the mirror you may find that birds of a feather usually flock togeather.  So I'll end with this one, tis better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than open your mouth and prove it. Why can't we just get the help asked for, without all the kindergarten games?

  • Vandwemke
    298 Posts
    Mon, May 8 2017 12:25 PM



    Edited to this:

    Appreciate your thoughts,



    Apparently you really didn't mean it when you added the above, judging from your rant at the response alosso gave you.  You need to remember that the forum is answered mostly by other players, and occasionally a mod, not WGT directly.  

    alosso was much nicer in his response to you than I probably would have been given your attitude,  i.e. if it looks like a duck, acts like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.  If it acts like a jerk the same reasoning usually applies.



    That's exactly why I fired over his bow, why would you bother responding if it is not "constructive"? His second response was much better than the first which was poorly thought out. By your response, obviously you rather just spew condescending remarks at other members, rather than offering up a bonafide helpful answer. You and a few others are the usual suspects on virtually every forum post.

    It is a shame, you (the usual suspects I refer to) have an immense wealth of knowledge that you could easily share rather than your usual rants and '1st posting" trophies which are immature, condescending and outright counter productive to the game. Just once try responding with out the extra verbal diarrhea, it might actually be appreciated!

    With this, I rest. I am not wasting any further time on responding to ignorant comments in this string. 

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Mon, May 8 2017 1:29 PM


    It was never my intention to give the impression I could read someone's mind, I was pointing out an obvious contradiction in the words and tone of the first post compared to how quickly the second post went toxic, at least from what I read.

    In the past you I believe you have posted questions which I have tried to answer helpfully. I was not engaging in "kindergarten games", as you put it, when I called into question the tone of the second response.  You obviously read that in a completely different manner than I did, giving your reply to me.  That being said, there is some validity that I was being at least a bit of a jerk, in calling someone out in this manner, even if I thought I was defending someone I think of as a friend. 


    I find it interesting that you felt the need to "fire over his bow" in the way you did, in order to get a constructive response, instead of simply replying  to the effect that you were aware how the system worked, and that wasn't what you were suggesting.

     I don't think alosso intended to be condescending in his response, if you keep in mind  that the level of knowledge among WGT members varies greatly.  Within the past several days there was a CC owner who had never changed the status of his members from "Recruit" because he didn't know how to do so.  So to be fair you need to consider that it was possible people thought you were not informed as to how things work.

    On a personal note, I do try to pass along the information I have learned about the game to anyone who asks.  The exception being those who are convinced WGT is out to sabotage their game on an individual basis (the tinfoll hat brigade), and those who needlessly attack people for no good reason.  This is what I thought you were doing with your second post.

    My final and most important point is that I owe you an apology for thinking you were being a jerk, as your subsequent comments demonstrated otherwise.  However at the time that wasn't apparent to me.  Please accept my apology, and I hope you enjoy the game.


  • Vandwemke
    298 Posts
    Mon, May 8 2017 2:39 PM


    Thank-you! I may have been quick to fire off a salvo, unfortunately, the quick trigger was due to past responses in the WGT forums that I have, either posted in or, used to glean the immense knowledge among you and our peers. Even the ones that have additional colour (sorry Canadian spelling), commentary.

    Further, I truly appreciate you having alosso's 6 o'clock, as Luckystar5 had mine, true camaraderie.

    I religiously, browse these forums to learn all I can (if not acquire) some great ideas to help me as a player and as a fledgling club owner. You are correct in that there are some (my perception) silly questions that some ask when it seems obvious to a good number of us what that answer is or where to find it. At times it is down right entertaining but, at the end of the day, the people asking and posting in the forums are generally willing and eager to learn. Like myself, at the beginning, they just don't know where to find the answer.

    You are also correct in the number of posters that simply want to sabotage this game and WGT or simply whining, I get it.

    On that note, I to apologize to you. It takes an honourable man to publicly apologize. For that I am grateful and you have my respect.


    I will also apologize to you for such a quick knee jerk reaction. You, phred952 and others on here, whether you know it or not, have provided me with a plethora of knowledge simply by reading forums where you folks have posted. My reaction was based on past experience with posts I have made and some of the responses given.

    So, Gentlemen, thank-you. I have a greater understanding of you POV.


    Mike (Vandwemke)


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