THE "PRACTICE MODE" IS RIGGED! WGT should be ashamed of themselves! It took me a long time to realize what was happening when I kept adjusting my clubs shots and in "practice mode" then moving them back when I played in rank mode....using the same wind speed and distances. Most of the very same shot were consistency 5-10 yards off. I wonder if anyone else out there have figured this out? What good is "practice mode" if it does no good to practice and use up balls when it is rigged for that purpose!
I also leaned that WGT count each mulligan as a shot so that each time you use it, it's like taking a shot....using your balls up twice as fast. Don't we spend enough money on balls without being tricked to use more balls? Doesn't WGT not make enough money without these rigged features....shameful! And I challenge anyone to prove me wrong....I have spent months experimenting with this endeavor....and it angered me when I found this much I stopped playing for a while,,
I guess you didn't like the responses you received the first time you posted this under your other account?
My God, man! At least have the decency to show some creativity and at least vary some of the language.
So right. To funny.

THE "PRACTICE MODE" IS RIGGED! WGT should be ashamed of themselves! It took me a long time to realize what was happening when I kept adjusting my clubs shots and in "practice mode" then moving them back when I played in rank mode....using the same wind speed and distances. Most of the very same shot were consistency 5-10 yards off. I wonder if anyone else out there have figured this out? What good is "practice mode" if it does no good to practice and use up balls when it is rigged for that purpose!
I also leaned that WGT count each mulligan as a shot so that each time you use it, it's like taking a shot....using your balls up twice as fast. Don't we spend enough money on balls without being tricked to use more balls? Doesn't WGT not make enough money without these rigged features....shameful! And I challenge anyone to prove me wrong....I have spent months experimenting with this endeavor....and it angered me when I found this much I stopped playing for a while,,