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Mon, Jun 12 2017 12:45 PM (8 replies)
  • hdacdhv0771
    1 Posts
    Mon, Jun 12 2017 2:12 AM

     THE "PRACTICE MODE" IS RIGGED! WGT should be ashamed of themselves! It took me a long time to realize what was happening when I kept adjusting my clubs shots and in "practice mode" then moving them back when I played in rank mode....using the same wind speed and distances. Most of the very same shot were consistency 5-10 yards off. I wonder if anyone else out there have figured this out? What good is "practice mode" if it does no good to practice and use up balls when it is rigged for that purpose!

       I also leaned that WGT count each mulligan as a shot so that each time you use it, it's like taking a shot....using your balls up twice as fast. Don't we spend enough money on balls without being tricked to use more balls? Doesn't WGT not make enough money without these rigged features....shameful! And I challenge anyone to prove me wrong....I have spent months experimenting with this endeavor....and it angered me when I found this much I stopped playing for a while,,

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Mon, Jun 12 2017 11:16 AM


     THE "PRACTICE MODE" IS RIGGED! WGT should be ashamed of themselves! It took me a long time to realize what was happening when I kept adjusting my clubs shots and in "practice mode" then moving them back when I played in rank mode....using the same wind speed and distances. Most of the very same shot were consistency 5-10 yards off. I wonder if anyone else out there have figured this out? What good is "practice mode" if it does no good to practice and use up balls when it is rigged for that purpose!

       I also leaned that WGT count each mulligan as a shot so that each time you use it, it's like taking a shot....using your balls up twice as fast. Don't we spend enough money on balls without being tricked to use more balls? Doesn't WGT not make enough money without these rigged features....shameful! And I challenge anyone to prove me wrong....I have spent months experimenting with this endeavor....and it angered me when I found this much I stopped playing for a while,,

    Wow.  You must have learned all of this with your other account, as this one shows you joined today  You are a 150 average hack, with no scoring history and no stats.  You also are using the starter equipment and balls.  So just when did all of the things you learned take place?

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Mon, Jun 12 2017 11:44 AM

    Absolutely, practice is rigged just as the entire game is rigged. That's why I have quit playing more than 10 rounds per day. Yes, in practice mode mulligans take strokes off the ball life, but those free white rocks have an infinite life so I don't worry much.  And when I am in practice mode it is for the putting and the white rock really doesn't affect my meter that much, but it takes the breaks just like any other ball. So I accept that practice mode is rigged just as the slots in Vegas are rigged, and play accordingly.


  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Mon, Jun 12 2017 11:50 AM


    THE "PRACTICE MODE" IS RIGGED! WGT should be ashamed of themselves! It took me a long time to realize what was happening when I kept adjusting my clubs shots and in "practice mode" then moving them back when I played in rank mode....using the same wind speed and distances. Most of the very same shot were consistency 5-10 yards off. I wonder if anyone else out there have figured this out? What good is "practice mode" if it does no good to practice and use up balls when it is rigged for that purpose!

       I also leaned that WGT count each mulligan as a shot so that each time you use it, it's like taking a shot....using your balls up twice as fast. Don't we spend enough money on balls without being tricked to use more balls? Doesn't WGT not make enough money without these rigged features....shameful! And I challenge anyone to prove me wrong....I have spent months experimenting with this endeavor....and it angered me when I found this much I stopped playing for a while,,

    I guess you didn't like the responses you received the first time you posted this under your other account?

     My God, man! At least have the decency to show some creativity and at least vary some of the language. 

  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Mon, Jun 12 2017 11:53 AM



    I have spent months experimenting with this endeavor....and it angered me when I found this much I stopped playing for a while,,

    Wow.  You must have learned all of this with your other account, as this one shows you joined today  You are a 150 average hack, with no scoring history and no stats.  You also are using the starter equipment and balls.  So just when did all of the things you learned take place?

    Hi phred

    An excellent question, one that can't be answered without digging an even bigger hole! I am more than happy donating the credits needed to buy a shovel.

    Hopefully this will anger you enough to consider staying away for a bit longer than a while this time.




  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Mon, Jun 12 2017 12:02 PM


     THE "PRACTICE MODE" IS RIGGED! WGT should be ashamed of themselves! It took me a long time to realize what was happening when I kept adjusting my clubs shots and in "practice mode" then moving them back when I played in rank mode....using the same wind speed and distances. Most of the very same shot were consistency 5-10 yards off. I wonder if anyone else out there have figured this out? What good is "practice mode" if it does no good to practice and use up balls when it is rigged for that purpose!

       I also leaned that WGT count each mulligan as a shot so that each time you use it, it's like taking a shot....using your balls up twice as fast. Don't we spend enough money on balls without being tricked to use more balls? Doesn't WGT not make enough money without these rigged features....shameful! And I challenge anyone to prove me wrong....I have spent months experimenting with this endeavor....and it angered me when I found this much I stopped playing for a while,,

    That must have been when you were using your other account . According to your profile on this account you just joined today . As a L1 Hack you havent done that much of anything at least not on this account .

    So before you come into the forums with your tirades make sure you are using the proper account .This whole post of yours says multi al over it . So it seems that practice mode isnt the only thing thats rigged .

    Not too many new players would know anything about mapping their clubs or even where to start . You learned all of this about the game in 1 day ? Yeah you need to get your accounts straight before you start posting in the forums .


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Jun 12 2017 12:03 PM


    I guess you didn't like the responses you received the first time you posted this under your other account?


     My God, man! At least have the decency to show some creativity and at least vary some of the language. 

    Well spotted.........

    Looks a great ad for a club that's big on credit comps when the owner is doing that....

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Mon, Jun 12 2017 12:11 PM



    THE "PRACTICE MODE" IS RIGGED! WGT should be ashamed of themselves! It took me a long time to realize what was happening when I kept adjusting my clubs shots and in "practice mode" then moving them back when I played in rank mode....using the same wind speed and distances. Most of the very same shot were consistency 5-10 yards off. I wonder if anyone else out there have figured this out? What good is "practice mode" if it does no good to practice and use up balls when it is rigged for that purpose!

       I also leaned that WGT count each mulligan as a shot so that each time you use it, it's like taking a shot....using your balls up twice as fast. Don't we spend enough money on balls without being tricked to use more balls? Doesn't WGT not make enough money without these rigged features....shameful! And I challenge anyone to prove me wrong....I have spent months experimenting with this endeavor....and it angered me when I found this much I stopped playing for a while,,

    I guess you didn't like the responses you received the first time you posted this under your other account?

     My God, man! At least have the decency to show some creativity and at least vary some of the language. 

    I think they did a copy and paste job . The other account is under a US flag and this one is Hong Kong . So unless they are opening new accounts as they travel something else is going on . They are a multi but at the same time something strange is going on .


  • garypinhunter
    1,049 Posts
    Mon, Jun 12 2017 12:45 PM



    THE "PRACTICE MODE" IS RIGGED! WGT should be ashamed of themselves! It took me a long time to realize what was happening when I kept adjusting my clubs shots and in "practice mode" then moving them back when I played in rank mode....using the same wind speed and distances. Most of the very same shot were consistency 5-10 yards off. I wonder if anyone else out there have figured this out? What good is "practice mode" if it does no good to practice and use up balls when it is rigged for that purpose!

       I also leaned that WGT count each mulligan as a shot so that each time you use it, it's like taking a shot....using your balls up twice as fast. Don't we spend enough money on balls without being tricked to use more balls? Doesn't WGT not make enough money without these rigged features....shameful! And I challenge anyone to prove me wrong....I have spent months experimenting with this endeavor....and it angered me when I found this much I stopped playing for a while,,

    I guess you didn't like the responses you received the first time you posted this under your other account?

     My God, man! At least have the decency to show some creativity and at least vary some of the language. 

    So right.  To funny.



    THE "PRACTICE MODE" IS RIGGED! WGT should be ashamed of themselves! It took me a long time to realize what was happening when I kept adjusting my clubs shots and in "practice mode" then moving them back when I played in rank mode....using the same wind speed and distances. Most of the very same shot were consistency 5-10 yards off. I wonder if anyone else out there have figured this out? What good is "practice mode" if it does no good to practice and use up balls when it is rigged for that purpose!

       I also leaned that WGT count each mulligan as a shot so that each time you use it, it's like taking a shot....using your balls up twice as fast. Don't we spend enough money on balls without being tricked to use more balls? Doesn't WGT not make enough money without these rigged features....shameful! And I challenge anyone to prove me wrong....I have spent months experimenting with this endeavor....and it angered me when I found this much I stopped playing for a while,,
