Am still having issues with the invite function both receiving and requesting ....getting a lot of messages telling me I am refusing their invite simply just not getting them is frustrating
We're aware of the situation and have people working to resolve it.
^^ To paraphrase...
" We're are aware of the situation and have called in people to resolve it, though they have as much awareness of how the problem first occurred as you or I, never mind how to go about fixing it !!
BUT, with fingers and toes crossed and a touch of voodoo, whilst tossing salt over your left shoulder and rubbing a rabbits foot, we ( WGT ) are confident that the issue will be under control before March and if not then, then sometime in that near future !!
WGT have the upmost regard for our members and for their continued patience and loyalty and would like to show that by offering this very small token of an EXTRA free CC pass to all our valued customers"
Sorry, I have to put the record straight, ^^ that is just not correct..^^
WGT wouldn't give a fookin door a bang !!!
no offense Typhoon ( well, you can take offense if u'd like ;-) )