this address doesn't work ,keeps getting returned when i emal. anyone have the correct one? need survey credit assistance. thx
I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.
please try different email provider.
it works for me ( i just tried)
6six6: this address doesn't work ,keeps getting returned when i emal. anyone have the correct one? need survey credit assistance. thx
Contact trialpay support via the support button @ the earn free credits page. And tell them all the surveys that you have completed and not got the credits for. They can and will check your account and give you the credits you earned. This is especially useful for the Daily Surveys as they fail to payout quite a lot but Trialpay has always made it right for me when I sent an e-mail to them through the contact support page.
i wonder if that has something to with why i haven't gotten credit for my last 3 surveys. hmmm. 150, 75 and 75.
WGTicon: please try different email provider. it works for me ( i just tried) -wgticon
i tried that last time no results. thanks though
borntobesting: 6six6: this address doesn't work ,keeps getting returned when i emal. anyone have the correct one? need survey credit assistance. thx Contact trialpay support via the support button @ the earn free credits page. And tell them all the surveys that you have completed and not got the credits for. They can and will check your account and give you the credits you earned. This is especially useful for the Daily Surveys as they fail to payout quite a lot but Trialpay has always made it right for me when I sent an e-mail to them through the contact support page.
I don't know what to tell ya. Perhaps stuff you're trying to paste in email had some illegal characters and it's been rejected.
But, email works, try sending normal message and not paste stuff in it