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Re: Help Please

rated by 0 users
Sun, Aug 27 2017 1:20 PM (9 replies)
  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Sun, Aug 27 2017 5:39 AM

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Sun, Aug 27 2017 5:40 AM

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Sun, Aug 27 2017 5:43 AM

    It says I came in 1st place , Yet the scorecard says I didn't play .  I sent CS a help request but I cant  add pics to the message , So I posted here , Perhaps they can take a look and figure it out ,  I didn't get the 1000 credits ,  Im certain I posted a score but my activity doesn't show it , Very strange ..

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Sun, Aug 27 2017 6:10 AM

    It says I came in 1st place , Yet the scorecard says I didn't play .

    That's really weird Casey, it's another unsolved mystery here on WGT.

    Hey, if you want to pick up 2800 free credits, check out this other unsolved mystery-

    Buyer beware.


  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Sun, Aug 27 2017 6:11 AM

    The tournament record indicates you were the only one entered and that you won $10.00. Perhaps you checked before records were finalized.

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Sun, Aug 27 2017 7:17 AM

    The score card shows (not played)

    The club activity says I won the tournament .

    My account shows no deposit for 1000 credits on the 26th .

    CS ask me to send them a link to the score card but I don't know how .

    Perhaps the best thing to do is refund Davemoffat  the 1000 credits , He is the one who created the tournament ..

  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Sun, Aug 27 2017 7:52 AM

    Im certain I posted a score but my activity doesn't show it ,
    Neither does your score history, inside the duration. You played a former BB deposit event on 08.22 but apparently not this one.

    The setting for this is that nobody wins, the credits fall to WGT.


  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Sun, Aug 27 2017 8:10 AM

    Yes , My score history doesn't show it , Yet my recent activity says I won the tournament on the 26th ..


    They refunded the credits to Davemoffat ,  Thanks WGT and everyone who replied .....


  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Sun, Aug 27 2017 10:24 AM


    Okay, bear with me. This gets complicated.

    Something similar happened at my old club, a quick thinking member created a tourney and set it for Masters only. Nobody spotted we only had one in the club! Needless to say, he won. I caught it right at the end, and as it wasn't a huge amount of credits I had a laugh to myself and let it slide, giving him points for initiative.

    He had paid a fee to enter and even though he hadn't actually played he was the only entrant, therefore winner by default. That seems to be covered by WTF WGTs rules on a tie,


    "How are ties handled?

    If two players post the same score in a match then the tie-breaker rules will be used to determine the winner of the match.

    In the event of a tie, the better scoring entrant between or among the tied entrants will be the entrant with the lowest combined score for the final nine (9) holes of the Game. If any ties remain, the better scoring entrant between or among the remaining tied entrants will be the entrant with the lowest combined score for the final six (6) holes for such Game. If any ties remain, the better scoring entrant between or among the remaining tied entrants will be the entrant with the lowest combined score for the final three (3) holes for such Game. If any ties remain, the better scoring entrant between or among the remaining tied entrants will be the entrant with the lowest score for the 18th hole (9th for nine hole games) in such Game, and any remaining ties will be determined by identifying the lowest scoring entrant for each individual game hole, in sequence from 17th (8th for nine hole games) through to 1st, as is necessary to determine a winner, and if any ties remain at that point, the earlier-submitted entry between or among the tied entries will be deemed the better scoring entry."


    Depending on how the tourney was set up initially the payout rules for a CC tourney (pay to enter) are as follows


    What are the payout rules for a pay-to-enter tournament?

    WGT will pay out 80% of the total purse to the winners of each tournament.

    The club member who creates the tournament has a couple options for the payout rules. They are

    Winner Take All: The Entrant who comes in first place will win the entire purse.

    Top 3: 1st Place: 55% of the purse, 2nd Place: 30% of the purse 3rd Place: 15% of the purse

    Top 10: 1st - 10th place will receive a payout in the following percentages: 40%, 20%, 10%, 9%, 6%, 5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, 1%


    What appears to happen is this strange bastardization of the rules. I've looked everywhere for a ruling on winning by default, to no avail.

    That it shows up as a win in your activity is the same I think as that other gem,    ***** won 0 skins in a etc. etc
    What's the point of that? Love that on my profile ; )

    Basically, someone entered therefore there has to be a winner. 

    Hopefully that might make some sense, I'm not going to re read it just in case!

    Congratulations on the win, well ah...    played.!




  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Sun, Aug 27 2017 1:20 PM

    Yes , My score history doesn't show it , Yet my recent activity says I won the tournament on the 26th ..

    Seen that, too, but I reckon that this is "shown in the top spot" but not a win, despite the notification.

    To win, you have to post a score in the (last) round. We had a similar case a few years ago and no credits were given by the system.

    Methinks that WGT has to sort it out manually - the tournament creator should call them.