Possibly overpowered it? A two inch putt on my meter would only be 2-3mm of power on a 10ft scale. Obviously I'd give it more than that just to make sure, but it's easy to overdo it. : )
Thanks for your take on it. I really don't think thats what happened, for a couple of reasons. First, I have shot a thousand putts just like that and I always do it the same way. I hit it about a foot's worth of power and never had a problem until now. And if my putter was set to the wrong scale or something, it wouldve gone much further than the 9 inches or whatever it rolled.
As for dragging the aimer sideways, that was my first thought too. But in watching the replay, one can see that the putt actually does go forward before deflecting to the left.
My guess is one of three things happened: 1) it hit the flagstick that isnt supposed to be there, 2) as someone mentioned, it hit the lip on the back of the cup, which I had never seen it do before, or 3) my ball entered into the wgt twilight zone, was captured by some virtual spacetime anamoly, and then exited in the wrong damn direction, leaving me to ponder the laws of virtual physics yet again.
Option 3 seems most likely, but as that putt proves, I dont know jack diddly.
Thanks all for your observations.
Put it in the books. Since I see no challengers for the record, I now lay claim to the shortest putt ever missed, haha. Totally worth it. :)