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Re: Best golf balls

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Fri, Sep 1 2017 4:25 PM (3 replies)
  • gottiboy1985
    6 Posts
    Fri, Sep 1 2017 3:22 PM

     I need your professional opinions about golf balls what is the best overall ball for Spin and distance and meter speed? Are the max platinum's worth 850 credits I'm not looking for the best on price just the best overall under 600 credits

  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Fri, Sep 1 2017 3:47 PM

    The thing to look for is the ball that best matches your clubs. What you want is consistent performance.

    I've tried lots of balls including the top Nikes, and always come back to the level 51/53 Volviks. They just plain get the job done.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Fri, Sep 1 2017 3:57 PM

    I need your professional opinions about golf balls what is the best overall ball for Spin and distance and meter speed? Are the max platinum's worth 850 credits I'm not looking for the best on price just the best overall under 600 credits

    For where you're at in the game, I think (by far) the best value ball out there is the Callaway Chrome Soft (L33+) ball at 250 credits/sleeve.

    That ball easily took me to Legend. After that, I tried a number of balls and settled on the Nike 20XI-X RZN (Level 81+) ball.

  • Woodie312
    671 Posts
    Fri, Sep 1 2017 4:25 PM


    The thing to look for is the ball that best matches your clubs. What you want is consistent performance.


    K7 absolutely right with this, but I would also add your style of play. Some folks like to let the ball roll out, some like to stop it dead, and others fall somewhere in between.

    I like to control my distance and placement as much as possible, so I make the odds of having an inadvertant kick from terrain get me in trouble as low as possible. Becasue of this I play balls with a higher spin rate and control the ball run out, but it comes at the cost of yardage on each club. 

    Just remember that no ball is going to be an instant stroke saver, no matter which one you pick to try you have to get a adjusted to the swing rate and only then can you begin to honestly evaluate if it fits your game or not.