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Re: SHUTDOWN in 2 Hours? My Game Client Lagging Badly

Thu, Sep 7 2017 6:23 AM (2 replies)
  • twinponds169
    3,051 Posts
    Wed, Sep 6 2017 7:38 PM

    Taking forever to get to the next screen when you click to get there. Like after a hole is done and you click the Continue button, it spins forever. When you hit the forward cam to place your marker for a tee shot, spins forever. When you hit reverse view for a putt, it spins forever. What the heck? Also, many shots, you just get the view from behind your avatar when you hit it, never see it land or roll or anything. I've emptied caches, used CCleaner, rebooted, yadda yadda yadda.

    NOW, the little black announcement box just appeared saying downtime for maintenance in 2 hours.

    Why don't you just install your effin clash trash and get done with it, why you trying to do it right friggin now on my dime? This place gets more and more clueless, crass, and belligerent every day. Top Golf sucks.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Sep 6 2017 11:40 PM

    Why don't you just install your effin clash trash and get done with it,

    Like death and taxes.......clashes are things you cannot avoid........kaching

    Top Golf sucks.

    I was soooooooo hopeful that when TG acquired WGT, the game would finally be taken to the next level and truly fulfill the potential the game has.......

    Instead we are left with a parasite simply sucking the blood from the host.

    But hey ho, at least we have the clashes......

  • twinponds169
    3,051 Posts
    Thu, Sep 7 2017 6:23 AM

    When I came on last night and saw no announcements for a downtime I wrongly thought that they were going 3 weeks between clashes as they did for the last one. Thought it was safe to play a tournament game. Not.

    Played a 9 hole custom and then an 18 hole tournament with the CDP pass. All 27 holes were affected by these issues. Meter was also choppy and staggering and I almost never have that issue. The load times were absurd. Half way through the 18 and the little black announcement box comes up in the game client announcing a downtime in 2 hours.A full hour later after my OP rant and after the downtime blurb appeared in the game client, Icon posts an announcement of it.

    Then the downtime starts late and only lasts a half hour. All this tells me is that all the issues I was having were the result of them getting inside the game and messing around, installing the clash crap while we were still playing it unaware. To me, that is just wrong on so many levels.

    I was soooooooo hopeful that when TG acquired WGT, the game would finally be taken to the next level

    When I saw the carnival style gimmick golf that is their main business I had little hope. Remember when there was actually a human element, a bit of a personal touch you might say, to the mods? To the communication? Just completely gone. The only positive since they took over was introducing Custom Courses and they are getting old already. I believe the xp awards glitch in them is intentional, getting players to double up their games and ball hits, also getting them to more expensive club requirements sooner.

    Have not been here quite 3 years yet, but I really loved this game. Over 4000 games played, well over 1000 days cdp. Not loving it nearly as much these days.