I'm definitely not new to putting in WGT, but I still don't really know what these terms mean. I don't even know if they really make any difference in playing the game. I mean, a missed putt is a missed putt, right? If you don't put it in exactly the right spot, it will not drop. But if these factors are built into the game, what effect, if any, do they have in putting?
I thought forgiveness and/or precision might help you miss less putts by making the ball drop in rather than rolling around the rim and out. Or I thought it might be more likely to drop in when you hit it too hard, rather than the extremely annoying jumping out that happens. Since those things keep happening if I increase forgiveness and precision or not, it seems to me that those factors don't seem to make a difference.
Also, now that the new sponsorship feature is in play, I see that you can increase putting forgiveness and precision by upgrading different apparel. I tried increasing the forgiveness by about +24 and I didn't see any difference. so I'm wondering if it's a waste of coins to increase precision too.
Anyway, what do you guys think?